Chapter 4 : Something New

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Huh. I'm actually getting views on this. Wow. Uh, thanks guys! I was thinking of stopping this book, but then I though, screw it, let's continue. Cause I have no brain, and no life! ¯\_()_/¯
I realized that the cover says Hikaru x Reader, but in the book, it's Kaoru x Reader. Oops! I'm changing the title so nooow it really is a Kaoru x Reader! K? Hope your cool with that.
Also... yea this chapter is hella late. Soorryy.
So here is chapter..... 3? 4? Wait hold on....
Chapter 4! Yea!

Today, you were at the commoners market. Just a little bit of shopping. You wanted to get some food from it, and it wasn't that expensive. Nothing fancy. You loved the market, cause there were no rich people. Just the people you liked.
"Hey (y/n)!" You heard a familiar voice in the crowd. You turned around, and you were met with the entire host club. All of them were there. Kaoru was the one who called your name. You never thought that a bunch of rich boys would come here. Haruhi wasn't rich, so seeing her here was normal. "Yao guys! What's up?" You walked over to them. It turned out that this was a tradition. The boys and Haruhi would always come to the market and buy stuff. You joined the group, and laughed and joked as you all walked around. "Woah! What's that?" You heard Tamaki say. He was pointing to an arcade machine. And, being you, you rocked at it. You smirked. "That my dear Tamaki, is an arcade machine. Pac Man." You walked over to it and placed a quarter into the slot. The boys huddled around you. Even Kyoya was curious on what you were doing. Haruhi rolled her eyes in a playful way, and went to look at some pottery. When the game started, your hands bolted into action. The boys awed when you playing, making you laugh. You won the game, and the boys cheered. "Wow! Your good at that (y/n)-chan!" Honey said. You snickered. "Thanks Honey! Any of you boys wanna try?" They ALL argued on who was gonna go, when Kaoru came up to you. "Uh, could I maybe try?" You smiled. "Alright. Kaoru's going guys!" They all groaned. Kaoru smirked, and you placed a quarter into the machine.
(Yes quarter, shut up)
"So, what you do is move the joystick around to move the character." You point to Pac Man. You tell him about the ghosts and that you need to avoid them, and collect the dots. He died. All 3 times in a matter of 3 seconds. He sat in his own little depression corner like Tamaki does. I laughed a little. "It's alright Kaoru. You'll get it." After that, the other boys tried out the game. All of them were now sitting in the depression corner. Even Kyoya was with them. Mori never played, so he just stood there. You sweat dropped as people passed by them, giving weird looks. Haruhi stood beside you, sweat dropping too.
"Uh, okay guys, lets go do some shopping." Haruhi said, grabbing your arm and dragging you to a candy booth. The boys followed, and Kaoru stood next to you. "I still don't understand how you do it..." He sighed. You laughed, then grabbed (favourite candy) from the booth. Kaoru looked at what you were holding. "What's that?"
"(Favourite Candy)." You answered, paying the person behind the table. You ate some, and Kaoru stared at it with a confused look. "Want some?" You held it out to him. He smiled a bit, then took it. He put it in his mouth and his face lit up. "This is good! Wow!" You laughed as he ate the rest. "Uh, sorry (y/n)... I kinda ate your whole snack..."
"Hey don't worry." You smiled. "Glad you enjoyed it."
Everyone walked around for a little while longer, and soon enough, you all left. Haruhi and Tamaki said bye, and they walked together back to Hikaru's house. Mori and Honey set off to their house, and god knows where Kyoya went. That's left you with the twins.
"Alright Kaoru! Let's head home! See ya (y/n)!" Hikaru said, waving to you before turning around. You waved back, but then noticed that Kaoru had not moved from where he was standing. "Uh actually Hikaru, c-could I walk (y/n) home...?" He looked down and rubbed the back of his neck. Hikaru stopped in his tracks and turned to look at his brother. He then looked at you then smirked. "Alright Kaoru. Have fun you two!" He said, then walked away. What did he mean by have fun. Oh lord...
You turned to Kaoru, and his cheeks were dusted with a light pink. You raised an eyebrow, and he turned to you. "Why do you wanna walk me home?" You said. His cheeks became a little bit of a darker shade of pink. "Um, n-no reason. Heh..." He stuttered, staring at the ground. You chuckled a bit, then lightly punched his shoulder. "Then let's head off." He smiled, and you two walked to your house.

~~Time skip brought to you by Kyoya using Haruhi's money~~

Kaoru P.O.V

We stood outside of (y/n)'s house. She turned to me and smiled. "Hey, thanks for walking me home Kaoru." I smiled and butterflies filled my stomach. The way she looked at me... her angelic voice... her beautiful smile...
"Kaoru? You there?" (Y/n) said, snapping me out of my thoughts. "U-uh yea! I mean no problem! I really enjoyed it..." Smooth. She laughed, then pulled me into a hug. My face felt heated, and I finally hugged back. She pulled away, and I saw a light blush on her cheeks. I smiled. "I'll see you tomorrow." She smiled.

That smile....

Something tells me this is the start,

   Something New...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2017 ⏰

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