"I suppose we can only wait and see." Toby sounded annoyed. He 

stepped up to the hearth, picked up the almost empty bottle of brandy, 

and poured it down his throat. He wiped his mouth and smiled. It had 

been a while since he last tasted brandy, or apple cider, tea, or coffee, 

things most humans tend to drink. His nightly regimen was basically 

water, and the nectar he now required to sustain his way of life. 

     An hour, then two hours, passed. Neither of the spirits had shown 

themselves. Carmen had dozed off sitting on her bed against the wall. 

Benjamin seemed to nod off here and there as he sat next to the fire. 

Toby was the most anxious of all. He had rested throughout the day 

while the others had worked about the house or estate. Obviously, they 

were tired, whereas O'Grady continued to grow impatient. He was ready 

to awaken Carmen and summon the specters. 

     There was the sound of rushing wind. It reminded Toby of the 

Apostles in the book of Acts, chapter two. What it had to do with the so-called 

Reverend Wicks he did not understand, but there he was, standing 

near the shuttered window with his wide-brimmed hat. A smile came to 

Toby's face. He was actually glad to see the man, or rather the ghost of 


     "Reverend Wicks!" Toby sounded surprised but pleased. He 

normally refused to use that title since it was reserved for God alone, but 

for the moment he did. "I am so glad you've come back to help us." He 

found himself walking toward the man with his hand extended in a 

gesture of friendship, not sure if a spirit could actually shake hands or 

such. Toby thought of himself for a moment: was he a spirit too or an 

unwilling resurrected body? It no longer seemed to matter. 

     "I've come to fight evil, Toby O'Grady," Wicks replied, "and for 

now, that is not you, sir." He turned so as not to see the hand of 

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friendship. Carmen sat up and Ben rose from the chair he had dozed in. 

Toby merely frowned. 

     "Reverend Wicks, have you come to help us?" Carmen was asleep 

when he first entered the room and had not heard his earlier remark. 

     "I am here to fight evil, ma'am," Wicks paused, then continued, 

"whoever it may be and wherever I may find it." He glanced back 

toward Toby O'Grady. Toby glared back at the pompous minister. He 

had never really liked him in life; why should it be any different now, he 

wondered. The feeling appeared mutual. Toby was sorry he had ever 

FOREVER ENDLESS NIGHT by L.A. WoodWhere stories live. Discover now