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~I apologize for how annoyingly fast this story is. I was excited to post it and it hasn't yet been closely edited. Hope you enjoy anyway! :D



    The wall seemed much bigger from the outside. It stretched out around the city with its ugly, dark greyness. Heat waves rolled off it, making the land ahead squiggly.

   I crawled over to a small patch of shade that quickly disappeared. My skin was a burning red. My mouth and throat ached from dryness. My eyes finally adjusted to the brightness as best as they could.

   The land went on for… forever as far as I could tell. It rolled in lumps at points then flattened back out. The sky wasn’t a dome. It was a very pale shade of blue. An enormous bright ball of light consumed most of it, causing sporadic fires over the grounds.

   I struggled to breath the heavy air. Sweat made my clothes stick to my dust covered body.

   I don’t know how long I lay there, helpless and alone. I just waited to die really. I couldn’t scream for help, I could hardly move,  and I couldn’t go back inside the protection of the dome.

   I closed my eyes and curled up, trying to ignore the pain and emptiness I felt.

   The hot orb of light slowly dimmed. I looked up. It was disappearing behind one of the lumps. The blue in the sky turned red and orange. Even still, I couldn’t directly look at it.

   As it continued to change to a dark blue, I realized it was like the dome. Scheduled night and day. Thankfully, night was beginning.

   I was able to relax a bit as the air slightly cooled and the stinging rays disappeared. The medications the officers shoved into me still hadn’t worn off yet and I was still somewhat groggy. I ached everywhere with the burns from the intense heat.

  Everything was so silent. Quieter than nights in the dome. This must be what pure silence sounds like.

    There was a scuffle near to me. With unexpected speed, I sat up and glanced around. There was nothing. Nothing at all but the wall behind me.

    I stood to leave. There was nothing here for me. They wouldn’t ever let me back inside. I needed to find water or food or even just a place to stay so the daytime light couldn’t hurt me.

   The burns hurt worse with movement but I forced myself to walk.

   I heard the shuffling sound again followed by an angry growl. What growled? Nothing human.

   My eyes flashed around and I backed away from the sound. Two blood red eyes shone angrily in the darkness. Then a row of vicious teeth. It barked at me in a raspy and threatening way. It wasn’t human. It walked on four legs instead of two and was covered in matted black hair that was only in patches.

   I didn’t know how to react so I ran. It chased after me, screeching and snapping. My lungs immediately ached along with the rest of my protesting body. I ran faster than ever before, barely staying ahead.

   I went over one of the lumps, slowing as I did. They were harder to climb than the flat ground. The thing caught up to me quickly, pouncing and pinning me down.

   I held my hands on its shoulders, trying to keep its teeth from my face. I screamed with panic. It was stronger than I was and would soon best me. It was a horrifying way to die and definitely not my first choice.

   Its claws raked against my face, causing my arms to stop shoving it to shield my head. I clamped my eyes shut expecting to be eaten alive until a shot rang through the empty air.

The Exiles (1st Draft)Where stories live. Discover now