Let Me Touch You

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Jungkook's POV:
Taehyung was walking behind me again as we walked to my apartment. I was getting nervous again.

Yeah he saw me in only my underwear, but he didn't do anything to me. Now he wants to touch and kiss my stomach.

We finally got to my apartment and went in. We walked to my room. I just stood there awkwardly as Taehyung closed the door.

He turned around to face me. He slowly walked towards me without taking his eyes off mine.

Now he was hovering over me. I could feel his breath on my neck. I was looking down as he slowly raised his hand and grabbed the hem of my shirt.

I felt his other hand on the back of my shirt and he slowly started to raise my shirt up and over my head. When he finally got it off, he threw my shirt to the ground.

He was just staring at me with a smile on his lips. I was starting to get really red now. "So beautiful, let me touch you," he cooed in my ear.

He then took my hand and walked us to my bed. He pushed me down to sit on the bed. He got between my legs and looked down at me.

He knelt down and I could feel his soft hand trailing down my stomach. He did it ever so slowly, outlining every bump and dip on my stomach.

It honestly felt amazing to have him touch my stomach. When he got down to where my pants were he stopped and moved his hand back up towards my chest.

When he got back up he leaned into my ear. "I could feel every little bump," he whispered to me. Then he hovered his whole body over me and looked me in the eyes.

He smiled before he lowered his head to my chest. I could feel his hot breath on my skin as he got closer to it. Then, I felt his soft lips on my skin.

He slowly went down my torso, leaving kisses everywhere. I closed my eyes from it. It honestly felt really good.

I could feel him starting to kiss back up to my chest. When he got back up to my chest he went to my ear again.

"You taste so sweet, thank you," he whispered into my ear. I decided to wrap my arms around his torso and bring him closer to me.

We held onto each other for several minutes until he had to go. He kissed me ever so softly on my lips before he left.

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