*ding dong*

I heard the doorbell ring. "coming!" I shouted. I walked to the door carrying a sleepy Noah, he kept waking up last night, it was driving me crazy.
"Sam?" I said extremely shocked to see him sanding at my door.
"Hi Abby." He said smiling at me and Noah.
"I..I, what are you doing here?" I asked him awkwardly.
"Well I came to see you." He said as if I should of known he was coming.
"Ohh.. Sam this really isn't a good time.." I tried to explain just as Harry walked down the stairs just in his boxers.
"Morning beautiful he said kissing me on the cheek." Then noticing Sam. He took Noah from me and walked into the kitchen without saying another word.
"Your with him?" Sam asked me.
"Well yeah.."
"But why Abby? Don't you read the paper!? He sleeps with every girl he sees!"
"You should go. Bye Sam." I said shutting the door on him. Everyone must think I'm such an idiot for taking Harry back.. And I still wasn't quite sure if I did fully trust him again, but I did love him. I knew that for sure. I said strolling into the kitchen in my shorts and top, seeing Harry playing on the floor with Noah. I sat down on the sofa by them.
"I've gotta work today." Harry said to me with no emotion. I nodded to him. "What was all that about anyway?" He asked.
"What was all what about?" I replied half hoping he wasn't taking about Sam, but I knew he was.
"What did Sam want?" He asked sternly.
"Nothing, he just came to say hello."
"Rosie's coming over today." I said changing the subject.
"Cool." Harry bluntly replied.
I shook my head, got up and walked upstairs to have a shower and get dressed. I cannot believe he has such a problem with me seeing my ex-boyfriend when all he's been doing for the past year is fucking other girls.

I got out the shower to see Harry lying on the bed still in his boxers playing on his phone.
"I thought you had work?" I asked him.
"Yeah not for a couple of hours."
"Oh great."

Harry didnt come home that night. It was half 12 and I didn't want to wait up any longer so I texted him..

Hey, where are you? Do you want me to wait up for you? xxx

I didn't get a reply for about 20 minutes but when I did he said..

No don't bother I'm not coming home tonight.

I fucking hate it when he does this. All I did was talk to Sam and he treats me like this! I don't know how much longer I can go on for. I love being a family.. I just don't know it I can deal with having Harry Styles in it. And I know that sounds awful because I really do love him. I just feel like I've dragged him into a life he didn't want. I don't want him to feel like he has to be with me if he doesn't want to.

I heard the key turning in the door and Harry stumbling in. I wobbled his way to the kitchen and hugged me from behind and kissed my neck, but I pulled away.
"Hey what the fuck Abby?" A still drunk Harry asked.
"Get out Harry. Just get out. Don't you dare come into my house at 9 in the morning still drunk! I didn't even know where you were last night. You could of been having sex with anyone for all I know." I yelled at him.
"What so you don't fucking trust me?" He shouted in return.
"No Harry, I don't! You don't give me any reason to trust you!"
"Fine. I don't fucking need this. I could have any girl I want, why would I stay with you if your gunna treat me like this."
Tears welled up in my eyes. How could he be saying this to me? I ran over and slapped him and pushed him away.
"Get the fuck off me Abby." He walked over and picked up Noah and started to walk out the house.
"NO. HARRY NO." I screamed running after him. "NOAH." I screamed.
"MUMMY MUMMY." He screamed back at me.
"HARRY STOP PLEASE." I cried to him. He put Noah in the back of his range rover and drove off. I collapsed down on the pavement and cried my eyes out. How could he take my son from me. I pulled myself together, got out my phone and called Louis.
"Louis, you have to help me, Harry has taken Noah."
"Woohh, Abs slow down, tell me what happened, slowly."
"Harry didnt come home last night and then he turned up this morning really drunk. And we got into a flight and he took Noah."
"Oh my god, Abby stay there. Don't move ok? I'm coming to get you."

10 minutes after hanging up, Louis Porsche pulled up outside. I grabbed my phone and keys and ran out. He climbed out the car and pulled me into his arms.
"It's gunna be ok Abs. Trust me." Why couldn't Harry be more like Louis? He was so trustworthy and faithful. Eleanor is so lucky to have him.

"Right come on." Louis said to me as we pulled up outside Harry's house. He tapped in the code of the main gate and we walked in. His range rover was badly parked in his drive way and the front door was open. Carefully, we walked in. Louis took my hand.
"Harry? Harry mate, it's Louis." Louis shouted as we stood in the hallway.
I heard crying for, upstairs. It was Noah. I pulled my hand away from Louis' and ran up the stairs towards the crying.
"Abby no." Louis shouted to me.
I burst into Harry's bedroom to see him lying there with a bottle of vodka next to him. He had headphones in and was playing on his x-box. Noah was sitting next to him crying. They both looked up at me. I heard Louis run up the stairs behind me. I was too scared to do anything. Harry's fearse drunken eyes looking into mine. Louis speezed past me, picked up Noah who clung onto his neck, he rubbed his back which seem to sooth him and stoped him crying.
"Get away from my kid mate!" Harry shouted at Louis. Louis put Noah down and whispered to him,
"Go to mummy." Noah ran to me and jumped into my arms.
Them, Louis peeled the vodka bottle out from Harry's hand and pulled him in to a hug. Harry was crying. I heard hi, whisper into Louis ear "I'm not good enough for her. Look what I've done." I put Noah down and told him to go downstairs and play. Then I walked over to the bed and sat next to Harry. I grabbed his hand and looked at his crying eyes. Louis broke his and Harry's hug and walked out the room, smiling at me when he left.
I pulled Harry into a hug. "I'm so sorry Abby. For everything I've done to you." He sobbed to me.
"It's okay baby." I reasured him.

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