I woke up the next morning almost forgetting what had happened they day before, and remembering it
instantly put me in a terrible mood. I wandered into the kitchen and started to make a cup of coffee. I flicked the tv on and lay down on the sofa and slowly dozed off.
I woke up around half an hour later to the doorbell ringing non-stop. I quickly got up and ran to the door,
opened it and saw Rosie. I feel into her arms, nothing felt better than hugging my best friend.
"How are you?" She sweetly asked me.
"Yeah I'm um fine but you should come in, I have to tell you something."
"What is it babe, are you okay?"
We sat down on the sofa together and I began to tell her the incidents of the day before.
"We'll why the fuck would you break up with him Abs!?" She almost shouted
"Well um, I'm pregnant." I said quickly
"Your what?"
"I can't tell Harry." I replied trying to avoid saying it again.
"You have to bloody tell Harry! He's the father of your unborn child!"
"Rosie, I can't. It would ruin his carree. It would ruin his life.."
"look, I can't force you to tell him, But I really think you should."
"I know.."
We just sat there for a minute in silence until a knock at the door broke the peacefulness.
"I'll get it" Rosie said with a smile.
I was so lucky to have a friend like Rosie, she has been there for me my whole life. When my mum died she was the only person who really stood by me. She died when I was 15, which was hard. I lived with my older sister Megan, she was only 23 at the time so it made her life very difficult. I stayed with my brother Jack a lot who lived on the other side of London was was 26 but he still found it hard.
Rosie returned after a few minutes with Harry. The last person I wanted to see.
"I leave you to have a chat" she quickly said and sped off to the kitchen.
"Harry I told you. We're over." I said cutting him off.
"Why? Just tell me why and I'll go. I'll go and I won't come back. If you just tell me why."
I couldn't look at him.
"I don't love you. You should leave now." I quickly said and walked into my bedroom without looking back, shut the door, ran to my bed and sobbed into the duvet.
A few minutes later Rosie quietly came in, sat on the bed and pulled me into her arms. I cried into her while she gently rubbed my back. I don't know what I'd do without her.

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