Wow? He knows of the word "please"? Never would have guessed that.

His eyes turned back to a lighter color, more like the ocean on a sunny day. They're beautiful.

I sighed, looking around the room. If it means I can get away from him, one dance can't hurt, right? I just need to do one song, then I can get out of here and never return, or see this boy again.

I nervously nodded, watching as he actually smiled for once. I wish he was actually this playful, but I know that it's just a game. It's always just a game. If you can't be seductive and get her in bed, you can be nice and lure her in.

He took my hand, pulling me through the sweaty, drunk mob of slutty girls in barely any clothing, and guys with hard-ons as they stood and watched them. Disgusting, really.

Ugh, I hope Harry is still in the kitchen or something, or maybe in a bedroom with a girl. I really don't want him causing a scene.

The blonde haired boy pulled me in front of him and turned me around so that my back was facing his front.

He planted his hands firmly on my sides of my exposed stomach, sliding them down to rest on the top of my skirt.

I pushed myself into him, giving him what he wants. I mean if it's only one song, might as well put on a show.

He pulled me tighter to him, dragging his hands to the top of my thighs as I ground on him, making sure that my ass would run right over him.

I felt his head duck down, resting between my shoulder and my neck.

"I never did catch your name, love."

I sighed, holding onto his hands and pushing them up, as I went down, running my back along his torso.

"Khloe.", I stated, leaning my head back onto his shoulder so that he could here me.

To be honest, I would be lying if I said that dancing with him like this didn't turn me on, somewhat.

His hair tickled my cheek as he leaned down, close to my mouth, but still not touching.

"Beautiful name for such a beautiful girl.", he cheesed. "I've never seen you 'round 'ere." His accent grew deeper as he continued holding me to him.

I rested my hand above my head, placing it on the back of his neck, just at the base of his hairline.

"I'm a freshman." I felt his chest rumble against my back.

"Well, I sure as hell wouldn't have guessed." He sated matter-of-factly. "My names Niall, by the way." He lent closer to my ear. "But even the best of the freshmen couldn't forget that.", he teased.

I smiled and started swaying my hips into him again, causing him to groan. I smiled to myself, doing it again.

He threw his head back onto my shoulder, giving sloppy, wet kisses along my jaw. He stopped at the connection between my collar bone and my shoulder, sucking a bit.

"N-Niall. S-stop.", I suppressed a small moan, turning around to face him. He smirked, his eyes growing darker.

That damn smirk! Ugh! I noticed the little dimple to the left corner of his cheek. I smiled, staring at him.

Just then, the song changed.

Okay, time to bail, Khloe.

"Thank you, that was fun, but I really have to leave now." I rushed, already making my way to the front. He just shrugged, turning to a petite, drunk, bleach-blonde girl, grinding on her.

Well, okay then....

I quickly made my way out the door, thankfully not running across Harry.


I turned around to see Liz and Audrey sitting in a circle, surrounded by beer cans. They stood up quickly, stumbling over to me.


"Where you goin', baaaabe?", Liz slurred, throwing her arm over my shoulder. I quickly shook it off, turning to face her.

"Home.", I crossed my arms over my chest, feeling over exposed outside with these creepy guys staring at us and annoyed with both, Niall and them.

"Why? Did you even drink?", Audrey spoke up.

"Nope. And don't plan on it.", I quickly turned my back on them, hurrying away.

All I want to do is just get home and change out of these slutty clothing.

I quickly made my way down the sidewalk, stopping to take off my heels. It was dark and quiet out here, creeping me out a small fraction.

I finally entered my dorm building, making my way up the stairs and onto the second floor.

Once I was in my room, I quickly took a hot shower, rinsing tonight's evidence of that party off. I dried myself off with my towel and slipped into a pair of gray sweatpants and a loose, white shirt.

I braided my hair over my shoulder and buried myself into my bed, covered in blankets and pillows.

This would only be completely perfect if I were in my own bed at home.

I miss the coast of Florida so much! I miss the smell of the salt water, the lights of the city at night. I miss the friendly people, and the palm trees.

Most of all, I miss my parents.

They both usually worked at home, so I've never really spent such a long time away from them. Now here I was, stuck for four years in what I thought was my dream college, but I'm slowly starting to see that it's not how I thought it would be.

I sighed, closing my eyes. Only two more days until they get here, and hopefully the talk of the first party will be over with.

I found my mind suddenly shifting to Niall. The way his eyes completely took over my mind, clearing all sense I had.

I have to admit that I did enjoy the dance, but the moment his lips came into contact with my neck, a burning passion filled my veins.

Yes, I liked it, but I'm not a toy and I'm not going to be used as one. I knew that if I had continued to let him, I would have completely lost all sense of the little I had left, and I probably would've not really cared about what we did.

I quickly pushed him and his disgusting habits to the back of my head, letting myself finally rest for the first time in a week.

School is stressful enough, I don't need to be thinking of some jerk ass guy on top of everything else.


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