A tall, thinner man, full of tattoos pulled El to his side as they engulfed each other into a kiss. He smiled as they pulled away and turned to the other girls, including me, wrapping his arm around her tiny waist.

What is up with all the hot guys in this school? The all have perfect tan skin and beautiful smiles! They're muscular -oh my...

"Who's she?", He yelled over the music, nodding to me. I began to feel a bit creeped out though as he stared at me with a playful smirk.

"Louis, this is Khloe. Khloe, Louis.", Audrey commented, leaning into Louis as he also wrapped his arm around her shoulder. Eleanor buried herself into his side as if jealousy started to kick in and gave him a kiss on his cheek. He smiled and kissed her back.

I began feeling nauseous due to the nerves of being here. I felt trapped as more people filed into the kitchen.

"Nice to meet you, Khloe.", Louis smiled, unraveling his arm from Audrey, and sticking it out for me to shake.

My heart beat faster and the nerves started to get worse as I hesitantly shook his hand. He's one of the frat boys, and you could tell by the dominance he had over the room.

"Don't be nervous, love. Just have some fun. Do you want a drink?", he asked.

I hesitantly shook my head no as the other girls took off with some guys to dance, leaving just me, Louis, and Eleanor together. Great. At least I have her with me. I don't trust any of these boys. I know what they can do.

"Come on. I can't get at least one pretty girl a drink, tonight?" He winked, causing me to shutter. How can Eleanor be okay with him flirting like this?

I don't need a drink, let alone want one. I told myself I wasn't going back to drinking and partying again after the incident. I won't, and I refuse to.

"Um, I don't-"

"WHAT THE FUCK IS SHE DOING HERE?", a strong voice echoed through the kitchen, cutting me off, causing me to flinch.


Shit. Shit. Shit! I knew this was going to happen! I had a gut feeling, but what did I do? Certainly not listen to it, that's what!

Everyone in the kitchen stopped what they were doing, staring at the tall figure behind me.

Louis smiled, "Hey, Harry. This is Khloe." He pointed to me. I didn't dare to turn around to see Harry mad. His voice alone scared me.

"Yeah. I know who she is. I asked what she was doing here..." his voice was calm and soothing which honestly scared the shit out of me. It's always calm before the storm. "When I already told her that she wasn't invited!" He continued yelling, growing angrier by the second. I cringed again but continued holding myself up, not letting him get to me.

Trust me, Harry, I didn't want an invitation here anyways, so you saved me, technically.

"N-Nothing. I was just leaving." I stated, turning around and walking past him, looking into the dark room behind him so that I wouldn't have to see his jade eyes.

I hurried down the hallway and into the living room, soon drowning out Louis and Harry's voices as Harry continued to bitch about me. What is his problem with me, anyway?

"Khlo! Where ya going?", Gemma called after me, but I ignored her and continued to make my way to the door. She was pissed drunk already, you could definitely tell in her voice. I heard her laugh and her voice die out into the other muffles as she must have gone back to having fun with her friends.

Just as I was about to open it, it swung open, revealing a blonde haired boy. He too had a few tattoos, just not as many as Harry or Louis.

I jumped back, my heart rate beating out of control, startled by the surprise of the boy.

"Sorry, love.", his thick accent rolled off his tongue. Holy shit, that was hot. Definitely not American.

I smiled, stepping around him. He closed the door before I could step out.

What the hell!

I glanced up.


"Where ya goin', babe?", He turned to face me.

I bit my lip, actually viewing his face. His eyes were captivating, the blue swallowing my brown ones.

"U-um.", I stuttered, not knowing what to say. His eyes caught me, and I lost my confidence as well as my voice. I forgot what to say and suddenly I couldn't seem to look away from him.

He smirked, his eyes growing darker as I now realized that I was taking too long to respond.

"I- I, um, was just l-leaving.", I pried my eyes off of his, turning to open the door. He shut it again, grabbing a hold of my wrist.

His touch burned, sending a fire through my veins.

"Love, the party just started."


Frozen (Frat Boy Niall) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now