Jimmy Kimmel Live

Start from the beginning

I nodded in reply. "Yeah, just gotta do my make-up.", I spoke as I grabbed my make-up bag and headed to the bathroom.

Deciding to keep it minimal, applying a base foundation, mascara and lip gloss.

Walking back out five minutes later, Randy was waiting on the bed.

"Ready?", I asked.

He looked up and smiled. "You look beautiful."

"Thanks.", I blushed, looking down. "I see you decided to ditch the tan suit.."

"Thought I'd go for the black tonight, since you're not a fan of the tan suit.", he smirked causing me to laugh.

I placed the key card in my clutch as we made our way out. Randy took my hand as we made our way down to the lobby, into the waiting car what was there to take us to the studio.


"Now you've got this big pay per view, Taboo Tuesday. Who are you fighting at Taboo Tuesday?", Jimmy asked.

It had been about three minutes since Randy went on to talk to Jimmy Kimmel.

So far they talked about the European tour, Randy's father and Andre the Giant breaking the bannister on the stairs."

"Uh, Ric Flair actually.", Randy replied.

"Ric Flair, correct me if I'm wrong, is an 85 year old man.", Jimmy spoke.

"He's a-", Randy paused.

The look on Randy's face. Oh no.

"I've gotta respect Ric, I'm sorry. I believe he's 55.", he replied, correcting Jimmy. "The thing is he is a legend among legends in our buisness."

"He's at least 75."

"Okay, he's 96.", Randy said, looking away and smiling.

Randy looks like he's ready to RKO Jimmy right now, never mind RKOing Ric Flair at Taboo Tuesday.

"Are you going to strangle him with his colostomy bag?", Jimmy asked as the audience laughed.

They were laughing? I was sitting backstage grimacing, a hand resting on the side of my face.

Randy adjusted himself before holding a finger up to the audience. "Well actually Jimmy. The fans- it's kind of an interactive pay per view, you know? The first time we've ever done this. The fans are gonna take part in choosing what type of match it'll be, whether it'll be a cage match, a last man standing match or a falls count anywhere match."

"Or crush an old mans ribs match.", Jimmy added.

"Or maybe the colostomy bag match, maybe we could fit that in there somehow..I don't know.", Randy replied, pulling a face.

I know WWE is TV-14 and do crude things, but I'm pretty sure they would never do a colostomy bag match.


"You might as well be fighting Andy Rooney, this is rediculous.", Jimmy laughed. "Taboo Tuesday."

No Jimmy, you're ridiculous.

Randy was looking pretty annoyed right now. Just RKO his ass Randy, I won't blame you.

"Are you going to bodyslam a baby too?"

"I'm gonna, I'm gonna-", Randy let out a slight laugh. "I'm gonna bodyslam you if you don't watch it.", Randy pointed.

Do it! Do it! Do it!

"Please don't..I'm not old enough.", Jimmy said.

Oh my god.

Randy was going to speak, but stopped, instead just sat there and grinned. The grin turned into a tight lipped smile as he nodded his head slowly.

Randy is so done with your shit, Kimmel.

"So you're saying that fans will vote on which senior citizen you will kill?", Jimmy asked, looking at Randy.

"No it's me and Ric Flair..and Jimmy, you're killing me by the way.", Randy replied looking away with a blank expression.

Yup, he's totally done.

"Well what are you gonna do. I wish you the best and I will be praying or Ric Flair tonight."

Randy smiled and waved as the audience cheered. "There he is, Randy Orton the Legend Killer, literally. Taboo Tuesday the pay per view by WWE. We'll be right back with musical guests Breaking Benjamin.", Jimmy spoke, turning to the audience before it cut to and advert break.

Well, that was..interesting.

After the show ended I waited for Randy to come backstage. It didn't take long to see him heading towards me, mumbling under his breath.

"Do I need to ask how that went?, I questioned, already knowing the answer just by the look on his face.

"He's such an asshole.", Randy said bluntly.

"I know.", I replied linking my arm with his as we made our way out. "Maybe he pushed the whole old thing abit too much."

"How did I look?"

"You looked like you was about to RKO him, and I was silently praying you would.", I laughed slightly.

"I was close, trust me.", Randy nodded as he opened the car door.

"Thankyou.", I smiled as I got in, Randy getting in after me, shutting the door.

"No problem.", Randy returned the smile.

"And besides, I was on about my appearance, not how annoyed I looked."

I rolled my eyes and slapped his arm playfully before resting my head on his shoulder.

"You're such an asshole, Orton."

"Am I as much of an asshole as Jimmy Kimmel?"



So yeah, here's another little chapter. That interview with Kimmel though, Randy really did look like he was about to RKO Jimmy or something. Lol, well hope you enjoyed this nonetheless. Thanks for reading.

Love of a Legend Killer (Randy Orton/OC)Where stories live. Discover now