my poetry

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What does your poetry do?? My poetry is hope....and is given to the hopeless....
My poetry is home.... Gives housing to the homeless....It's love.  It braces those with heart breaks..
My poetry is a love letter... Written by a Juliet to her Romeo who is gone to work....
My poetry is a love story.
My poetry is a lace that tightly ties your feet to your shoes...

My poetry is home.... Where the land is green even during dry seasons....Where the sky is high. .Higher than Bob Marley on weed.... Where the ground is easier to walk and the air so fresh....My poetry....My poetry..  is the girl who refused to have a baby... Simply because a baby is proof you had sex....
My poetry has no watch...It's is timeless...
My poetry is a student fed up by loads of exams... My poetry is ciru wa mum...Who was raped and gaged by she still said it... My poetry is a dead man...Who hanged himself...And stood on a stool.. the good news it was the only stand he took...


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