Chap 5

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A/N: Im going to apoligize now, I wrote this while on Nyquil and ear infection medication. Im warning you now. The pic to the side is Wolfe (minus the grotesque long nails, of course). Hope you like it, vote comment or fan. Do what makes you happy :D

"Red, please think this over." Jasper begged Red, watching her pack her bags.

"Dad, I can't. I told you. Wolfe has it out for me and only Grandma will know what to do. Besides, I'll have Lewis half of the way. What could go wrong?" Jasper gave her an exasperated look.

"Fine. But since you're going, you can take her a few things for me. View it as punishment."He smiles sadly. He seems at the verge of saying something, but stops when they hear her mom walking towards them.

Red smiles at her but it doesn't reach her eyes.

"I'll be back." Jasper says, getting up. He puts a hand on his daughter and wife's backs as he walks past them.

Red looks away first and resumes packing.

"Red, please stop." Her mother asks, and waits for her to look at her before continuing. "Red, I understand why you believe you need to do this." She paused and picked up her father's journal. "Your grandfather was a scientist, not a killer or a hunter. Who do you think got all the research?" Delilah grinned at Red's expression of shock.

"Yeah, I was the one who went out, killed the first shifters and came back everytime. Sometimes not so pretty, but I still came back. I was so reckless back then, half of the time I had no idea what I was doing. But i did it because I thought it was my duty as my fathers child." She flipped through the book as she talked. "It wasn't Red. Any of my cousins could have."

She put down the book and cupped Red's face in her hands

"Scarlett, I know that you want to do this, but please understand that it's not your duty. Any other man would be happy to do this. This isn't your responsibility unless you want it to be. Do you understand? Just because Leif isnt here to do this doesn't mean you need to."

"I know, Mom. In the begining I thought it was my duty. But now, I'm doing it beacuase Wolfe needs to be stopped. He cant get away with killing people."

"Okay. That's all I need to hear." Delilah kissed her daughters head. "I'll let you finish." Red watched her leave with a sense of wonder. She never knew her mother was a hunter. Red had always pegged her as a meek, "all-american" housewife.

Red finished packing and grabbed a trench coat. It wouldn't be long before winter started in and she wanted to be prepared. Stopping to look in a small shard of a mirror, red eyes stared back at her holdong a world of sorrow but with the resolve of iron. She briefly wondered what life would've been like without the world going to shit, like her dad always says. She brushed all thoughts of that away and with her head held high, she walked out of their tent and towards the western gate. Almost all of the fortress was gathered and they were listening to Lewis speak.

Red snuck closer until she could hear him.

"Red and I are going to go find Grandma and bring her here. Then all of the terror will stop! Wolfe will be stopped! And our children will be safe!" He paused while the crowds cheers drowned him out. He raised his hands and motioned for the crowd to quiet down. "Red and I will avenge Jakob's death! We will avenge all of the shifters that were once our family and friends! We will avenge all the deaths so that they did not die in vain!" Once again the crowd roared with their approval. Red glanced around until she saw her dad, frowning in the direction of Lewis. She realised he was talking again and turned her attention back to him. "We will lead this fortress to victory, we will lead us to safety, we will prevail!"

Red (In midst of editing)Where stories live. Discover now