Chapter 13 ~ Where is he?

Start from the beginning

Maybe. Maybe I'm finally mad. Maybe I've gone mad!

Where is he? Is he hurt? Does he need me? Is he with father? Is he safe? Where am I? Will I be okay? Please be okay.

Impossible. I can't be mad. Right?

Where is he? Is he hurt? Does he need me? Is he with father? Is he safe? Where am I? Will I be okay? Please be okay.

I don't care anymore. I just need L. I need a way out of here!

Where is he? Is he hurt? Does he need me? Is he with father? Is he safe? Where am I? Will I be okay? Please be okay.

L! There he is! I see him!

General POV

But, Light noticed something odd as he paused in his step: why is L just - laying there?... motionless....


Without hesitation, the brunette once again picked up speed, rapidly running through the darkness wanting to get to L as soon as possible. And that thankfully didn't take long as there was nothing in his way to stop him. Light clamoured; "L?" crouching beside him and without delay taking the ravenette into his arms. "L?!" The student repeated, after he received no response, wanting, hoping and begging for a reply.  Still, no answer.

What was going on? Urgently, Light decided to check for a pulse, which was only natural considering he received no reply. It had to be there and so he waited - and waited for a pulse that never came.

Is- is he dead? He can't be... this was L after all. Yet there was no pulse. No heart beat. Nothing.

A few tears began to slip from Light's eye. L. Someone be loved. Was dead?... Light lifted his hand shakily to wipe away the tears, only then noticing a rectangular but regular black notebook laying beside L. An all to familiar black notebook.

The Death Note.

Unhesitatingly, the owner of sed notebook reached out, grabbing and taking ahold of it before opening it to carefully to skim through each page to check for a difference.

While most of it was left unchanged with a mix of major and petty criminals sentenced to death by his own hand, the final page was altered. It was changed without permission. One named have been scrawled onto the last page. One that should not yet be there.

L Lawliet

In pure shock, the student released the book from his grip, dropping it to the floor. The teen froze, his eyes fixated that book. The murder weapon that had taken hundreds, if not thousands of lives. Who. Who wrote that? WHO THE HELL WROTE THAT?! It was his handwriting... his book. Yet he had not written that! Of course he didn't! He would know if he did...


Shutting his eyes, the teen buried his hands into his palms out of confusion, anger and grief. L. His precious L.


He had been taken away by thing he had sworn to discover. He had been taken too soon...


The call of his name had sharply awoken him from his apparent slumber. The male, although is a state of confusion, frantically looked to the side, only to see his lover, L, perched by his side, shaggy hair, hands upon knees and head tilted as if he was studying the boy. In general, being his usual, undead self. "I see that you're now awake? Were you having a nightmare?"

Light couldn't help but to exhale a sigh of relief. Thank god. "No. No of course not."

"If I am not mistaken, it seemed like you were as you were mumbling nonsense in your sleep."  Countered the ravenette.

"I was? Well - it was unimportant. But you really should be asleep yourself, L."

"Yes, I suppose so. Although I was awoken by you not so long ago."

Light let out a small smile. "Well I'm sorry. Lets just both get back to sleep, okay?"

After very briefly thinking it over, the world leading detective agreed and they both settled back down into their shared bed.

The student tossed and turned to face away from the other man to ponder the 'dream' he had just had. What did it mean?... He surely hadn't killed L. The man he loved? He would never.

But then - who did? Was it a warning to him? That someone would kill L? No, that was ridiculous. Then what? A dream like that had to mean something.

And then it hit him.

This was L after all and he was Kira.

It was his handwriting and his book.

L and Kira were never meant to co-exist from the start. One was to be defeated in the end and Kira stood for justice. He had to be the victor. After all, this was just all one big elaborate game and L was just another chess piece in the way. Maybe Light wouldn't be the one to kill L, but Kira would be. Only was a few more moves were required until; checkmate.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2017 ⏰

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