Teaching them properly (4)

Start from the beginning

'Gokudera-kun's sister is so kind! She's beautiful too!'

The students started eating it, not remembering that the food look the same as the food they ate on the jet.

'This food taste familiar..'

'The food is purple.. Where have I seen this?'

Their stomach went bad.

"M-my stomach.."

"T-Toilet...! I need the toilet!"

"Same here!"

"M-my stomach is d-destroyed.."

'I knew it' Tsuna sighed.

Bianchi sighed and left the room ignoring them.

"T-the toilet is just beside this room..." Tsuna said.

The students rushed out of the classroom and ran towards the toilet desperately.

'Heh.. Aneki did a good job" Gokudera grinned. (Bianchi wore her goggles

"Maa... it seems that they forgot about the food at the jet.." Yamamoto grinned.

"Hmm.." Chrome seem happy.

Kyoko and Haru are just giggling softly.

Hana just smirked.

"I swear.." Tsuna shook his head a little.

'Since when my family became sadistic? Aside from Reborn and Bianchi...' Tsuna sighed, seems like the millionth time he is doing it.

After a long few hours, the students recovered but they are all pale, sweating and tired.

"Stop slacking, it's my lesson now" Reborn said sternly.

'...Shit' The students thoughts and gulped silently.

"Don't 'shit' me and get going" Reborn looked impatient.

'He read our mind?!' The students are shocked.

"No I didn't, your faces literally shows what you're thinking and get going, I hate repeating myself" Reborn glared, tapping his left foot in annoyance then walk away.

"H-hai Reboyama sensei!" The students quickly rush out of the room, following Reborn.

Reborn smirked.

'This is going to be fun..'

When they reached the classroom, they settle down and Nezu sensei was already there, pale and terrified.

Apparently, he ate Bianchi's food too as Bianchi gave it to him.

And Viper along with Verde gave him a personal 'lesson' alone.

Some students started to doze off.

Wrong move.

Reborn did a 'Vongola Wake up Style' on them.

Leon turn into a hammer and he hit them on the head barely using his strength.

"OWW!" The students who were dozing off woke up crying in pain.

"This is 'Vongola Waking up style'" Reborn smirked.

'Uggh.. It gives me bad memories..' Tsuna shivered slightly at his memory being woke up by the hammer or some other weird ways...

"Now we are starting the lesson... Solve this question" Reborn wrote out the question on the board.

It was college level question....

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