sweet nothings

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//sorry this chapter is boring as all hell but it's just a filler, sorry bout it//

Alex walked into the bedroom and sat down next to his lover, with Miles' shirt on and his briefs just barely poking out below. Miles handed him his coke and a plate of pizza.
"If there's anything else I can get you, just tell me, okay?" He placed a small kiss on his cheek and went back to eating, Alex didn't say much at all, he just drank his entire bottle of coke.

There wasn't much in Alex's room, just like Miles'. Books and magazines were piled in the corners and along the walls, dog eared pages marking his favourite pages. There were pictures and magazine clip outs that his friends had given to him over time piled next to the books, sometimes in his books. Of course Alex kept his copy of the dictionary under his pillow, for safe keeping. There was a dresser and a closet but no TV but there were shelves. There was a record player on top of his dresser, the shelves filled with tons of records. He was quite the collector but he hadn't put a record on in a long time. Miles had a few more things in his room compared to Alex but he didn't care about any of it except for the piles upon piles of love letters he kept from Alex. When he was sad, he read those and all of his grief and pain would just be lifted off of himself.

Alex ate his slice of pizza quickly and picked up another. Miles cleared his throat and spoke softly, "So, I'm sorry for bringing it up again, but, why did you um..cut?"
Alex didn't want to look at him when he answered, he wasn't sure himself why. "I don't know. I wanted to feel something I guess." He shrugged it off like it was nothing, still not looking at Miles.

He didn't know how to reply. He had an idea o how Alex felt but he'd never actually cut himself, usually he would just distract himself by playing guitar or watching tv.
"Mind if I put on a record?" Miles stood up and went to Alex's collection and pulled out A Hard Days Night, and put it on the player, carefully placing the needle down onto the first set of grooves. Miles always picked a Beatles record, it annoyed Alex sometimes but he himself loved them as well. As soon as the sound began to leak from the speakers, Miles lied down next to Alex and cuddled into his side, holding himself close to his lover.

Alex sat down his slice of pizza and grabbed onto Miles and began to smother him in kisses, Miles giggling as he did so. "Oh I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you..!"
Miles was happy, he could feel that Alex was starting to get better again; in hopes that it would stay this way.

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