broken promises

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Later that day

Alex finally woke up to a loud and frantic banging on his bedroom door. He got scared, thinking someone had called the cops to see if he was still alive. He didn't want to be sent to the hospital. He didn't even want to go outside.

"Open the fuckin' door Al, I know you're in there!! Please Al!" Miles was crying, his knuckles bruised and bleeding from banging them repetitively against the wooden door for the past hour or more. "Please... Please still be in there..." He banged his head against the door, finally giving up his battle, his hands shaking and wounded.

Alex was in shock, he hadn't heard from Miles in days and weeks, why was he here all of a sudden? He stumbled to his feet and pushed back his hair, holding himself up by using the bedroom walls as his crutch. He twisted the lock and opened the door, a pitiful Miles lay in a sobbing and bloody mess at his feet.
Alex cleared his throat as he leaned himself against the doorframe. "Come in love, shut the door behind you. Please." He slowly made his way back to his bed, immediately collapsing onto it.

Miles quickly got back on his feet, wiped his eyes, and rushed to Alex's side, leaving the door open. "I said to close the door.." Alex growled, he's still not happy. He thought he wanted to see his love but he was wrong, he thought the man had been ignoring him. Without a word Miles shut the door and locked it, turning back to the fragile man on the bed.
"I, uh, I brought you flowers.." Miles looked around the messy room, a foul stench of dirty clothes, unwashed hair, old cigarette smoke, and whiskey had coated the room in a fog. Alex nodded. "Thanks but I'm not sick."

"You look bloody awful Alex, you need help. Please, let me help you." Miles walked to the bed and sat down next to Alex's bony frame, holding his hand. "Please."
Alex closed his eyes and sighed, he didn't have much of a choice. "I'll order some pizza or something, okay? You need food.. And a shower." He grimaced at the pieces of lint stuck in his greasy hair, his clothes stained with bile. "Or at least get you changed." Alex nodded again and squeezed Miles' hand with all the strength he had in him, Miles didn't care that the squeeze was hurting his bloodied fingers, he was just happy to feel some sort of response from Alex. Miles smiled down at the beautiful and delicate man below him, although he was in awful shape and distant he still loved him endlessly. He bent down and pressed a kiss to his forehead. "I love you Alex, I really do.. Now let me go get your bath ready."

After he called Alex's favorite pizza parlor and ordered, Miles went to Alex's bathroom and cleaned up his hands, bandaging them then started to fill up the bathtub. The water stung, even through the bandages.
The warm water poured out of the faucet with immense force, the tub was sure to be filled up in minutes. Miles added lots of soap so the water would be nice and bubbly, just how Alex likes it.
He heard a flicking sound only a few feet away from his head, a very familiar sound that anyone would surely recognize— the flick of a lighter. Alex lit a cigarette behind Miles, took a long drag and puffed it onto the back of his head. He had already stripped the entirety of his clothes off and was patiently waiting for Miles to finish getting his bath ready.
Miles smiled when Alex blew the smoke into his buzzed hair, turning off the water faucet. "Hello darling, you're just in time!" Miles turned around and gave Alex a small kiss on the nose before giving his body a proper look over— he thought to himself:
'everything's going to be alright' just as his eyes glanced over the small scratch marks lining his lovers thighs— his heart falling into his stomach.

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