Symphony Of A Torturer

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The aftermath was awful.

Any girl would have binged on ice cream, called a friend and had a night out. Not me.
The only thing on my mind was how you were doing. My only comfort was that I knew Phil would take care of you.

Was I going to survive this? Were you going to survive this?

Only time would tell.

Ignoring your calls was only part of the challenge. The hardest part was stopping seeing our friends, so I wouldn't have to talk about what happened. I'll admit I spent the next few months being lonely and heartbroken.

Why had this happened, Dan? Did you even care? Did you miss me? Those were the thoughts running through my head from day to night.

Enough was enough, I decided.

I determined I was going to focus on any other stuff in my life, my friends, my job, my desire for traveling. Anything but your company.

And for a while, I was successful.

The days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. While this happened, I didn't know much about you.

Now and then, I received notifications about your channel. You seemed serene enough about everything.

Not that I cared. Work continued to be a big part of my life, and now that you weren't part of it, I had time for other hobbies. They didn't exactly make me forget about you, but at least, I wasn't scared to bump into you in the streeets anymore.

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