190. pjesma (Nove pjesme)

77 10 14

Oh, what is this,
What a masterpiece
We've got!
Oh but i forgot,
For that, quality
Is needed, which
This one has not.

But to keep on track,
Grammar, I see, you lack.
Did you live in a forest,
Hiding in a tree?
For your English,
My friend, quite
Poor seems to be.
It certainly is
A horror to see.

But I should take care,
To say more,
I shouldn't dare.

Thus hoping you'll understand,
I'll try to be quick:
When you whine without end,
What is it that you seek?

And when for criticism you call,
Why, when criticized,
Into a fit of childlish rage you fall?

And lastly, why hide your nature,
You little rabid cur?
For even the dead,
Just like me,
Through this poor charrade
Can clearly see:
An egocentric, pitifull parade,
By you led,
And many a miserable comrade,
Who a path
Like yours tread.

And only one thing
A quote by you, to you,
Is left to say:
„Take your shit together!"
Little baby-boy,
And go to play
someplace else
with some toy.

- to a young colleague

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