Finally free from here

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I woke up to the sound of the PA system calling out that it was time for lunch. I head for the door and all I heard was little giggles outside of the room. What was so funny, I opened the door and it was.... LOCKED." Open the door now" I screamed. The giggles continued, I screamed louder, "OPEN THE DOOR" and I heard footsteps walk away from the door, I sighed I was so hungry I skipped breakfast this morning cuz I don't like talking to other kids and leaders, and if I get lunch or breakfast I usually take it up to my room and eat alone.

*in the eating room*

"Uh excuse me does anyone know where Ester is"Said Mrs. Hardy. " Those girls started to smile, " you know Ester always skipping meals right" said one of them with a big grin on her face. " then why hasn't she came to get her lunch" said mrs. Hardy," she usually comes down and then goes back up" "please girls can you go and get Ester" "ok " they said with a sigh.

Moments later they came back and said that Ester was not hungry." You sure she said that" Mrs. Hardy said. "Yes she told us she was not hungry and she wanted us to leave her alone!" Said a girl. "Ok well finish up lunch and go do your daily duties" she replied.

Mrs. Hardy's pov

I went back into my office and sat down to do some paper work. Then a couple entered my office and said they would like to adopt someone. I showed them some pictures and when it came to Ester they both yelled " that's the one" I replied " her!!! Really u want her!!" " y not shes unique and looks lovely" replied the lady," ok I will call her down" I picked up the PA system and called for Ester-" Ester please report to my office right away"

Esters pov

I just got called down to Mrs. Hardys office, I wonder why but there's one problem I can't I'm still trapped in here and very hungry, I want to think I might be getting adopted but usually when I get called its to help out with something, what If I was getting adopted then I wouldn't be in this death trap called a orphanage I have to find a way to get out!!!

*at the office*

Mrs. Hardys pov

"I'm sorry I don't know why she isn't coming down she always tells me that she wants to get out of here" I said. " why don't we go down to her room and see what is holding her up" I suggested they both replied " sure"

Esters pov

I might be out of here I screamed!!!!

I could burst down the door no that would lead into alot of trouble, maybe just scream help? I don't know what to do. I can't let this chance go away so I backed up and counted to 3.. 1...........2............3..... I ran into the door breaking its locks and it fell Straight to the ground. Behind the fallen door I saw Mrs. Hardy, and 2 strangers." Huh hello" I said. Mrs. Hardy screamed" Ester!!!!!!" Why would u do that u know there is something called a door nob!!! She said furiously." I'm sorry, but I was locked in there that's why I wasn't there at lunch! " the girls said u didn't want lunch they asked you" she said," no, no one ever asked me anything they were the ones that locked me in my room!!!! This is what I mean Mrs. Hardy it will never end!!!!!"and I stormed back into my room.

"Ester this couple is here to adopt you" mrs. Hardy said. My eyes lit up"really" I said,"yes honey" said the lady. " you mean I can get out of her!!!" I said,"yes you can Ester" said the man." ester please pack your things up and we will be with you shortly." I nod and rush into my room. I can't believe I am out of here the bullying stops and I won't have to hurt anyone unless it all happens again! I thought maybe this is not such a good idea.

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