Paid in Full

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They told their story, from the mission on Mustafar, all the way through to their wedding on Kamino. Quinn took Rex's hand under the table, and said, "After we escaped from the prison on Mandalor, and stole the ship, we went back to Kamino, and got married."

"Yeah, ya did!" said Gill, nudging Rex in the shoulder, and then glaring at him as he said in a mock serious tone, "What are your intentions with my friend?"

"Shut up," said Armada, dabbing her eyes with her sleeve. After Quinn had explained about Han, and how they had lost him, Armada had felt the weight of everything that they had been through. Her own child was just six months old, but she couldn't imagine what she and Gill would do if they lost Wedge. "I'm happy for the two of you." 

"Thanks Armada. I'm glad that you're okay." said Quinn, gesturing to the empty place on her left hand, between her index and pinky finger, where her middle and ring finger had been blown away by the grenade on Mustafar. "No prosthetic replacements?" 

"I still have my trigger finger." she quipped, and Quinn returned the smile, "Good for you."

"What's the next step?" asked Tabitha. She was leaning back in her chair, eyes closed, and Quinn recognized the expression on her face; she was looking for Han's light with her mind. Since they were blood relatives, she would also be able to see him once she started looking. "Where did the trail for your son end?" 

Quinn looked to Rex, and he gave her hand a squeeze of reassurance. She looked around to all of her friends, and in a clenched voice, she said, "There is no trail."

"But there's always a trail." said Armada, "A three year old boy doesn't go missing without someone noticing. No matter how small, there has got to be some lead that you haven't checked. We can help you."

It was just like Asajj and Bard had said after the fall of the Republic. Her friends were willing to drop everything, their entire life that they had built on Anderaan, to help her and Rex. They hadn't hesitated, or waited to be asked, and paused to think. They were simply assuming that they would be coming with her. Quinn stared around at all of them, a sad smile on her face. "If there were any possible leads, don't you think that we would have tracked it down by now?" 

"You might have missed something!" Tabitha insisted. "I mean, I know that you're good but-"

"I know that he's alive, and I know that he's out of reach...for the time being." Quinn interrupted. "And we're not giving up on him. We're just changing course."

"We came to Alderaan to offer our services to the Rebel Alliance." said Rex, and Gill shrugged, for once, his expression serious. "You're a couple of years early. There is no Rebel Alliance. Yet."

Quinn looked to Armada, and said, "Would it be possible for me to meet with Senator Bail Organa? I know that he is one of the main organizers."

"You're right," said Armada, rising and punching her access code into the door. "And you're in luck. Mon Mothma is also here. They've been in meetings all week, trying to figure out their next step. I'm assuming that you want to talk to both of them?"

Quinn nodded, and Armada led the way from the meeting room, and back down the hall. Gill and Tabitha exchanged a look, and followed, the small party looking like a very rag tag squadron, as they strode up to the second level, and into Bale's actual living quarters. It was just as beautiful as the palace on Naboo, but somehow older, and stronger.

"Bale and Mon have been old friends and allies since before either of them worked for the Republic. And since they became senators, they've worked together on more defense treaties, humanitarian projects, and relief efforts than most of the Senate put together." said Armada as they walked. It was clear that she admired her bosses. "They're good people, but I don't really see how you're going to find Han by helping us." She had come to a stop by a large door marked as 'Audience Chamber'. 

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