Chapter 6 - Love and Lies

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"Minister, are you sure it's smart for me to be here?"

Harry and Kingsley walked side by side, ignoring the hot summer sun which blazed down on both of them as they strode towards the Burrow. The odd home of the Weasley family had been fully rebuilt after the War, and was even bigger then ever as rooms had been added and expanded as the children married and returned with grandchildren,
'It thrilled Molly when Fleur said she was pregnant,' Harry thought with a smile, remembering the look on the pudgie woman's face as she was told the news. Harry then frowned deeply, 'surely Molly wouldn't encourage using illegal Amortentia on Hermione?'

As if reading his mind, (which was possible cause of Legitimacy) Kingsley gave his top Auror a squeeze of the shoulder,

"Ah Harry, even as the Minister, Molly Weasley will not appreciate me barging in here to accuse her of poisoning someone. I don't want to believe it was Molly any more then you do, but you'll be my backup, to keep her and the others busy, yeah?"

"So I'm a distraction?" Harry wasn't sure if he should have felt honored or alarmed at this realization. Shrugging slightly as they got to the top stoop, Kingsley reached out and rapped on the door. It opened almost immediately, the freckled, impish face of Ginny Weasley coming into view,
'She cut her hair,' Harry noticed immediately, choosing to smile at the young woman stupidly. Ginny and him parted ways on good terms in the middle of 6th year, as they had barely been dating for a month before Ginny admitted to liking Neville. Harry was a bit hurt at the time, but realized that was either an after effect of teenage hormones, or the Amortentia in his system. Obviously the Ministry couldn't be positive as to who the poison was actually keyed, since it was an un-traceable brand,
'Just another reason for the stuff to be banned,' Harry thought, watching as his ex-girlfriends-now-friends face flashed with recognition, but soon fell in disappointment,

"Harry, Kingsley," she greeted, though sounded a bit downtrodden, "I was expecting Hermione. Have you heard from her?"

"I think you should invite us in, Ginerva," Kingsley said with a warm smile, watching as Ginny blinked before realizing her lack of manners and stepped aside hurriedly. The Burrow was just as Harry remembered it, as it looked nearly identical to what it had been during the ending months before he left on the run. Harry hadn't returned for many different reasons, one of them being the loss of Fred, the other being his intense Auror training right after the battle,

"Where is everybody?" Harry questioned, looking around and noticing the lack of people making noise in the house. Ginny turned about slightly, pointing around as to place everyone in a specific area,

"Well Mum is in the kitchen and Ron is upstairs," Ginny looked pointedly at Harry before continuing, "George is working at WWW with Angelina, and I think dad is at the Ministry? Obviously Charlie is in Romania, Bill is with Fleur and  Percy is working today with father. And then, obviously I'm here," Ginny giggled slightly at that before pushing her now short hair behind her ear, only to have it fall uselessly back to cover her cheek. She opened her mouth to say something else, but was interrupted by Molly's voice from the kitchen,

"Ginny? Who's here-Harry! My boy!"

Harry groaned a bit as he was suddenly squeezed by the Weasley woman, unable to help the smile which spread across his face at the comforting touch. He always liked Molly, as she had  been a surrogate mother to him since their meeting on Platform 9 3/4.
'How could she possibly poison Hermione?'

"Sorry for barging in like this Molly, but Harry and I have some news,"

Molly stared at the pair confusedly for a moment before realization seemed to hit her like a bludger to the head,

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