Chapter 4 - Arrival

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For once since the end of the war, Harry Potter felt excited. He practically paced back and forth behind his desk, unable to contain his joy nor his broad smile as he wore a soft spot in the wood floor. Though it was awful that Hermione had been condemned to the hospital for a few more hours for various testing, and there was a chance the Weasley's had betrayed them, Harry still couldn't help himself. He had seriously taken Hermione's constant presence for granted during school and on the run. To his teenage mind, she had just been a 'best friend'. But to Harry now, she acted more as an anchor to his life then any other person.
The more he thought about it, the more Harry understood how important she actually was in defeating Tom. Hermione was one of his first true friends at Hogwarts, and was quick to defend his honor and go to fetch the Philosopher's Stone with him their first year. And other then the devastation Harry felt at her sitting petrified in the Hospital Wing for months during second year, she had always been there. Hermione helped save Sirius, and was the only one who stood by him during the Tri-Wizard Tournament (plus Neville of course). She willingly took on Umbridge and raced to the Ministry where she was almost killed. And despite Harry giving her hell the year before they went on the run, she still managed to get some sense through his own thick skull.
Even while on the run, with the entire Wizarding World after them, Hermione Granger stood by him against the wrath of Ronald Weasley. She had been heartbroken, depressed, starved and now poisoned. And Harry was eternally grateful for his best friend. Now it was his time to make it up to her. Obviously letting her stay at Grimmauld Place didn't even compare to what she'd done for him in the past, but it was a start. He wanted to make her stay the best he could, and that meant cleaning up the house. And though Harry could certainly just call Dobby, Winky or Kreature to tidy for him, he wanted to do things the Muggle way, which would make it all the more worth while,

"Harry Potter, would you please stop pacing? You're wearing a hole in my floor,"

Harry glanced up from his wondering, smiling at Kingsley as he stood in the office doorway,

"Hello, Minister. How'd you know I was pacing?"

"This little trinket you gave me is very useful in checking up on my employees,"

Kingsley held up a sheet of folded parchment as Harry chucked and held the back of his head in embarrassment. Living in Grimmauld Place after graduation, Harry had found a journal Sirius had kept during his time at Hogwarts. It detailed all their Marauder adventures, including the step by step creation of the Marauder's Map. Feeling it was a useful item, Harry made one for Kingsley to watch the goings on of his employees in the Ministry. Harry himself often used the Map to check in on Hermione in the late hours when she overstayed her nights and forced Harry to kick her out. Kingsley must have seen him pacing on the map and came in to investigate,

"Sorry, I guess I'm just antsy,"

"It's no trouble if you want to take the rest of the day, Harry. I'm glad Hermione won't be staying around those awful people until this matter is resolved,"

"What's gone on so far in the investigation?"

Kingsley sighed deeply and strode in, taking a graceful seat on the edge of Harry's desk as his purple robes flowed about slightly,

"I sent Auror's out to question Bill and Fleur Weasley, and I'm happy to report that nothing that even resembled Amortentia was found at Shell Cottage. In fact it appears that Fleur is actually highly allergic to some of its properties due to her Veela descent,"

"That's good, I always knew Fleur couldn't do something like that to Hermione,"

"Ah, both were very alarmed at the news. I do believe Fleur's exact words were, 'if I ever find who did thiz to my little zister, I vill wring zhere necks!'

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