Ch.26: Everyone Has A Dark Side

Start from the beginning

"Explain yourselves or heads will start rolling." she growls. Two skinny red beams shoot at her but she just deflects it with her wings. "I am the stronger than all of you combined... imagine what I will do to a single kryptonian. Now..." she glares at the alternate Batman. "Start talking, Bruce." he tenses at the use of his name.

"Hraaaahhh!!!" comes a battle cry. She turns to see the alternate Hawkwoman flying at her with a battle cry. They knocked out her hawks since they could resist the lightning too. It looked like the hawks were hurt badly... time to return the favor. A hawk for a hawk. But she'll do one worse. Her scythe spins before she moves toward the smaller winged woman and slices through her pair of brown wings. They fall off the body with a sickening "shlrrt" followed by the pained scream of the winged-or unwinged woman.

"Wrong answer. Anyone else?" Reaper calls as she holds the crying woman by the hair while flapping her powerful wings to keep herself in the air. She runs her burning amethyst eyes over them, barely contained anger boiling beneath the surface.

"Let her go!" the alternate Stewart shouts. Reaper shrugs and let go of the short reddish brown hair, letting the wounded and bleeding woman fall. Stewart catches her quickly.

"Will someone answer my question now?"

"You're not like our counterparts. You're not afraid to get your hands dirty." alternate Superman observes, watching her with amusement. She finds the look unnerving. Especially since it's on a usually cheerful expression.
"Hmmph. An unhappy Superman, who'd of thunk it?" she mocks. He glares at her.

"Nothing to smile about. Hero business isn't as easy as it's made out to be." he explains darkly. Reaper raises a brow.

"A dark Superman. Okay, who died?" she's suddenly slapped by the alternate Wonder Woman.

"Watch your tone, wench."

"You did it again, wench." her blood runs cold and time seems to freeze.

Reaper shakes the memory away before letting out an animalistic rumble from her chest. She spins around to glare at the woman who struck her, eyes a bright yellow.

"Shouldn't have done that, WonderBitch." She growls, flying forward to cut her tongue out of her mouth.

"HEY!" she pauses and turns to see Superman holding Cyborg's head between his hands, threatening to snap the neck in half. "If another of my colleagues is injured...I won't hesitate to return the favor." Reaper stares at him. She begins to laugh.

"I'm 100% more powerful than a kryptonian army, but when I'm pissed, that multiplies to 200%. Bottom line," she's before him in a blink of an eye and she phases her hand through his head making him freeze at the odd feeling, "you do NOT want to be threatening me." she says in a slow tone, making him understand she means business. "Let go of him before I become solid faster than you can say Krypto." he slowly removes his hands and backs away from the hand phased into his head. He holds his hands up in surrender.

"We want to kill Luthor before he kills the Flash in your world." Reaper eyes him.

"Your Flash...was Wally West, correct?" he nods, relief flooding his features seeing she calmed down.

"How did you-"

"I'm a Reaper. I know all." she says cryptically, not letting the truth of her abilities leak out to the alternates. "I'm also guessing that some of the members do not exist on your team here... do they?"

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