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"I captured a monster, see? Who was wrong now?" Papyrus's jaw was down and opened. He was impressed with his brother and couldn't believe he did it. "S-So you did it...." Gem was just staring at him, while the other stared at her impressed.

"Yep. So..... how about that deal?" He cocked his head one way and was smirking. His brothers face flushed with blush and looks down. "F-Fine.... I-I take back what I said...."

"And~" He sighs in anger, defeat and frustration.

"I can't believe he actually did it...... This is so embarrassing....... But I did make that deal with him......"

"And I..... Will do whatever you want..... For a.... Day...."

"Yes! Well b- I mean Paps," He snickers evilly but happily as his brother restrains himself from murdering someone. "So, Paps, I will decide what to do with you tomorrow so good day. I'm gonna take a nap, night-night." Fell teleports back to his room, but he forgot about Gem so once he as gone, she dropped to the floor. Looking down at her, he studies her and felt something he has never felt before. Intrigued with the feeling and her, he decides to get "in touch" with her.


"So you're the monster he captured, interesting..... So what are you post to be..?" She was offended of what she said.

"A Gem...."

"So what is your name?"

"Science Gem but people call me Gem."

"Well that ironic but ok then 'Gem', so where do you live?" She felt a little bit offended but let it slide due to knowing that it's Underfell, everyone is a dick.

"I actually don't have a home here, I'm staying at a motel." For once, he felt bad. He didn't want to feel bad for her but his sincerity took over. "W-Well would you like to stay at o-our home?" A small blush was on his cheeks as the other blushes too. Looking down, she nods at him as fiddling with her fingers. "Y-Yeah.... S-Sure.... I-I would love that....."

"G-Great! You can sleep in my room..." At that moment, they both felt something weird but nice... Something that made them feel butterflies in their stomachs. A blush forms on both of their cheeks as they stand there in the awkward silence. "So...."


"W-Wanna.... do something.... or...?"

"S-Sure, I have a mission I need to do so you could help me and tag along..."

"What mission?" She realizes that she couldn't tell him about her direct mission nor where she was from.

"..... Erm..... Looking and mapping the landforms."

"Oh so you're a nerd?"

".... Yep...." Blush forms more on their cheeks.

"S-So you wanna go check out and map those landforms now?" She nods and Papyrus floats her on his back and teleports them to a far away mount in Snowdin.

"W-Woah..." Gem then gasps at the sight. "W-Wow..... This is amazing...."
The guardsman just smiles and sighs then puts her down. The scientist still had her backpack so she takes out her notepad. Scribbling and doodling, she sits down in the snow and worked on her map. She already had some of the map complete to Snowdin due to the libary, she just had to do the outer woods.

3 mins later
Papyrus was tapping his feet impatiently as she finishes up the map. "Ok...... I'm...... done! Now I need to go to....." She thinks about where she should go. "Undye must be very aggressive in this so I should wait to go to Waterfall so how about Hotland?"


"Hotland? Ok then, we'll go there."

"I have a question, what would Undye do at this point in the day?" She asks as getting on his back.

"Oh you mean that fishfalay? Well that bitch is usually or always at home."

"Well then...." He just nods and teleports them to Hotland. They were on top of something that showed them the whole view. Looking down at her map, everything was complete except the outer lava and Muffet's area. "Uh-oh, looks like we're going to go into Muffet's spider web bakery in Hotland." Copying the land once more, she finishes and talks to Paps.

"I'm almost finished but I have a problem....."


"We need to go to Muffet's in order to complete this area." His eyes widen a little and realizes it too.

"You're right.... that greedy bitch is always in her web maze, as well as the fact that she has spiders everywhere."

"Well do you like I don't know, a map of her lair or something?...." The royal guardsmen sighs and scratches his head.

"Well there might be in the castle's map room where royal guards, the royal scientist and the royal family, like King Asgore for example, has access to."

"Well can you go get it for me? I'll stay back and make ya something to eat afterwards. I know how to cook and all due to me older brother." Blushes form on both faces again and he nods while scratching his skull.

"I-I guess I-I suppose so..... But that meal better be good!" She giggles softly and nods, Papyrus just blushes more. "Awwww~ He's so cute when he's blushing or get mad/aggressive!..... Wait..... Oh god what is this feeling..... I want to be with him, care for him, kiss him.... What is this feeling..."

"Awwww~ She's so cute when she giggles and blushes..... Wait.... What the fuck?! Why do I feel so nice and warm inside?! Why do I even have feelings for this..... this.... monster..... no, she said she was a Gem..... Arrrgh! I feel like I want her and to be with her, to care- no, protect her and kiss her.... What is this feeling and why do I feel like this....."

"Ok ok, it will be." He nods once more and teleports away to get the mapping of Muffet's.

30 mins later
Gem had teleported to their house and made a meal for three. One for Sans, one for Paps and one for herself; she had made cheeseburgers and French fries. The short skeleton was checking in here and then, but he kept watching TV. The guardsman comes in with the map in hand and closes the door swiftly. "Heya Paps, Gem made a meal for us." He brightens up and goes straight to the kitchen. Smirking widely, Sans prepares a plan for tomorrow for the two "Lovebirds". He gets up and goes to the kitchen while chuckling. "Paps will thank me later....." Gem was just pouring a drink into her cup when they came in and smile.

"Heya, I made burgers and fries." They all sit down and start eating, Papyrus and Sci Gem had a descent conversation while Fell Sans watches them silently.

"Wow, I can't believe he's going soft just for Gem, I wonder what I can do with this..." Soon they were done, the short one left to bed while the scientist goes to take a shower while the tall one cleans up. The gem insisted in doing it but Fell Papyrus denied and she was going to rebuttal until he forced her to go take a shower. Sighing in defeat, she goes to take her shower. While they both were alone, they pondered about today and that feeling. "What exactly is this feeling..... Is this.... Love?"

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