Bruce: Hear sit down, Alfred get some hot chocolate for Miss. Luna.  

Luna sob's: Thank you. Mr.Wayne. 

Bruce: So what did the joker tell you to do. 

Luna: He said that I need to get out of Gotham and that there's an old house outside of it. 

Bruce: Anything else? Did he brain wash you. 

Luna: Why, would you say that? 

Bruce: Well he's crazy isn't he, 

Luna: All YOU need to know is that HE saved MY life. NO he didn't turn me into a zombie. 

Bruce: Ok sorry, if i miss understood. 

Luna: That's ok, J is off his head a little. 

Bruce smirks a little and Alfred comes in with some hot chocolate. 

Alfred: There you go miss Luna.

Luna: Thank you. 

Bruce: Can I speak with you for a moment Alfred. 

Alfred: Yes sir. 

They leave the room. 

Bruce: What am I suppose to do with her? 

Alfred: Well, i suggest calling the mayor to say that she's ok and with police because she gone mad. 

Luna pears round the corner. 

Luna: I can leave if you want me to. 

Bruce: No way, your staying hear. 

Luna: I don't want to make it a trouble for you. 

Bruce: It's no trouble miss. We're just talking about my night shift in the city. 

Luna tilts her head.

Luna: Night shift? 

Bruce: yes.  

Alfred leaves

Luna: You can tell me if you want, I have no one to tell. 

Bruce: I can't explain it but i'll have to show you. 

Luna: ok. 

Joker: YES! DOLL! OH your such a good girl!

Bruce leads her into the basement: 

Luna: wow! A bat cave! This is the bat suit! and the cars oh my. 

Bruce: Sit. 

Luna sits on a chair. 

Bruce: what i'm about to tell you is really important. 

Luna leans in and so do's everyone at the base. 

Bruce: I. am. the. batman .


Everyone at the base is now celebrating

Bruce: Shhhh. I need to ask you something, will you be batgirl?

At the base everyone pauses waiting to hear her answer.  

Luna: Oh.... Batman, Bruce i'd love to but i can lock someone up in Arkham who saved my life. I'd love to but, I won't be able to do it and if he finds you its me he'll...

Bruce: Sorry, i understand. 

Luna: I'm going to find a  room if that's ok. 

Bruce: Sure help your self. 

Luna: I'm sorry. 

Bruce: That's ok. 

Luna Makes her way up to a room all of them have on suits. 

Luna talking to J back at Base: 

Luna: What now. 

Joker: Leave, early tomorrow. 

Luna: Yes, Daddy. 

Knock at the door 

Luna: Yes? Uh Bruce. 

Bruce: Who where you talking to. 

Luna: Oh, uh...ummm I hear voices. I'm getting help for it. I'm not crazy. 

Bruce: I believe you. Now sleep up. 

Luna: Yes, sir. 

Bruce leaves the room without another word. 

Luna just stays in the room sleeping all day, it hit 1:00am and she jumps out the window and makes her way to the woods. Everyone is packing to go, at the base. 

Luna: J? 

Joker turns to see his baby doll. 

Joker: Luna, baby, daddy missed ya not having ya by his side. 

Luna: I missed you too, daddy. 

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