Chapter 004

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(First of all this might look weird if you're reading it on your phone or tablet. I'm writing this chapter on my laptop because I broke my phone, so i apologize if the setup looks weird.)

"And if you feel you're sinking I will jump right over into cold, cold water for you. And although time may take us into different places I will still be patient with you. And I want you know, I won't let go" Carter, Warren, and I sang at the top of our lungs. "I'll be your lifeline tonight" Warren sang looking at me and putting his hand on my arm. "Oh shut up, you can't even sing" I said to Warren as I turned the music down. "Hey what was that for? That song is my jam" Carter shouted from the back seat. "Eh. Here's a better song" I said switching the music on my phone since we were at a red light. We go where nobody knows, with guns hidden under our petticoats. And we're never gonna get it, no we're never gonna get it no. Dressed in black, from head to toe, with guns hidden under our petticoats. We're never gonna get no we're never gonna get it no.
"What is this crap" Carter yelled over the music. I gasped, very over dramatically, and looked at him in the rear view mirror. "How dare you say that about The 1975! This song is MY jam," I said putting emphasis on the my,"and it's my car, so we're going to listen to whatever I want."
"Ugh" I heard Carter groan loudly from the backseat. "Hey buddy, it's fine. We'll just have to beat her at bowling" Warren said. I laughed loudly. "Like that's ever going to happen" I said wiping a fake tear from my eye. I looked at both of them and saw them smirking at me. "Let's make a bet" Carter said. "Ah, I see you're finally learning from your older sister. Okay, let's do this. What are your term" I asked. "If we win, you have to do my chores and drive me wherever I want, for 2 months. If your team wins, I'll do all of your chores and Warren will do all of your homework for 2 months."
"What? I did not agree to that" Warren said from beside me. "Okay, it's a deal," I said ignoring Warren's comment as I parked the car, "Get ready to be obliterated." I climbed out of the car and shook hands with my younger brother. "Oh you're on" he said giving me a death glare while I returned it.

"Well aren't you two just sibling goals" a voice said. I turned to see Will and Layla walking towards us. "Hey guys" I said waving. "Sup" Warren and Carter said at the same time. They looked at each other and fist-bumped while I rolled my eyes. Layla laughed and walked up to me. "Aw it's okay. You're still my favorite Davidson" she said putting her arm around me. I looked at Carter and stuck my tongue out. "Whatever" he said sticking his tongue out back at me. "Are you sure you two aren't the same age" Will asked. Carter and I looked at each other before turning to Will and sticking our tongues out. "Let's just get inside before all of the lanes are taken" Will said rolling his eyes. I did the same and grabbed my two favorite boy's hands. If you didn't know, it's Carter and Warren.

We all walked into the bowling alley and saw Magenta, Ethan, and Zach at the shoe desk. "Hey everyone" I said waving to them. "Hey birthday girl" Zach said giving me a high five. "Hello my favorite purple haired girl" I said giving her a quick hug. "Ugh. Just hurry and get your shoes. I can already feel the athlete's foot" she said. "Okay okay, chill. Hey Eth" I said before telling the lady what size shoe I needed.

When everyone got their shoes, Ethan led us to two lanes they had gotten. "Thanks for getting the lanes already guys" I said as I sat down and began taking my shoes off. "No problem" Ethan said. I quickly tied my bowling shoes and stood up. "Okay," I said clapping my hands, "time to pick teams."
Everyone, but Warren and Carter groaned. "Okay, so Warren and Carter are on a team. Now whoever is with me needs to be the Benny Rodriguez of amateur bowling. Any volunteers?"
Magenta shrugged and raised her hand. "I was the MVP of my bowling team."
"You were on a bowling team? Finally I have blackmail against you" Ethan said excitedly. "Whatever. Magenta let's get this game started cause I am not about to lose this bet. Everyone else...make your own teams" I said grabbing Magenta's arm and pulling her to the lane Warren and Carter chose.

(Time skip)

So we were almost done with the game and Warren and Carter were winning by only a couple points. "All we need is a strike and we're tied" Magenta said confidently. "And you think I can do that? Nuh huh honey, that is not happening" I said nervously. "Cmon! Do you really want to have to drive your little brother around and do his chores for 2 months? You can do this Harley" Magenta said giving me a pep talk. "Okay...let's do this" I said standing up and taking deep breathes. Warren and Carter whispered, as I walked up to grab my ball, to make me more nervous than I already was. "Shut up you two" I said as I walked up to the line. I lined up the ball and swung my arm back. I let go and closed my eyes. I heard the ball hit the pins and Magenta shouting "Yes!". I opened my eyes and saw I had made a strike. "Yes! In your face bitches" I said fist pumping. "Hey! Mom said no cussing in front of me" Carter shouted. "Whatever, I'm too happy right now" I said walking back to the desk that controls the points. "Yeah, well we can still beat you, so don't get too excited" Carter said grabbing a ball and walking up to the line. "Hey, calm down" I said noticing he was looking agitated. He ignored me as he concentrated on lining up the ball. He swung his arm  back, but instead of swinging letting it go on the lane, it slipped out of his hand and flew backwards. Before I knew what was happening, I felt something hard hit my face. My brother has a pretty powerful arm because the force of the ball made me hit the desk and fall over it onto the hard tiled ground.

"Fuck" I shouted as the ball rolled off of my face. My hand immediately went to my pounding nose. "Harley" I heard multiple people yell. I opened my eyes to see Warren bending down beside me and lifting me up. I felt him set me on one of the tables and everyone crowded around me. "Harley I am so sorry! It slipped out of my hands cause I was so nervous and my hands were sweating-"
"It's okay Carter" I said. "How does it look" I said taking my hand away from my nose. Everyone cringed back and I think Ethan ran to go throw up. "Is it that bad" I whined. "Yeah, but I'm sure you're body will heal it quickly" Zach said. "But its obviously broken. If it heals like this she'll have to have it broken again to have it set in the right position" Layla said. "Great" I mumbled as I lifted myself up onto my elbows. "Well I guess we should take you to the hospital" Will said. Everyone agreed and ran back to their cars to follow Warren to the hospital. I jumped off of the table, but quickly felt dizzy. I almost fell, but someone caught me before I hit the ground.

"Thanks Warren" I said not looking up. "Um it's not Warren, but you're welcome" the person said. I looked up and saw Isaac. "Isaac? I thought you weren't going to come" I said pushing myself off of him, but quickly wrapped my arms on him to keep from falling over. "I-I got um stuck at home" he said nervously. "I'll take her from here" Warren said picking me up bridal style and taking me outside to my car. "Where are you going" Isaac asked as he followed Warren. "We're taking her to the hospital," Carter answered as he got into the back seat of the car, "You can come with if you want."
"Carter" Warren said through gritted teeth. "What" he asked innocently. "It's fine Warren. Just hop in the back seat Isaac. We kind of need to hurry before I get blood all over my car" I said buckling my self in. He got into the back seat, much to Warren protests, and we pulled out of the parking lot.

Hello everyone! I am so so so so so so sorry about having not updated in so long. I've been completely busy with schoolwork. Many mental breakdowns have kept me from this, so I apologize for that. But I decided to say YOLO and put school aside for a moment to do this. I hope it's good, but I understand if it's not my best writing. Anyways thank you for reading and hopefully my next update will come sooner.

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