Chapter 003

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"Well Isaac, it looks like the buses have finally arrived. Let's get the hell out of here" I said gabbing his hand and pulling him up. He had been sitting on the floor while I tightly braided his hair. When I finally got a look at what his hair looked like I couldn't contain my laughter. "What's so funny" he asked skeptical. "Huh? Oh nothing. Everything's fine, so let's go" I said as I quickly ran to the ladder. "Wait up" I heard him call from behind me.

I jumped down and looked for my friends in the group of kids. "There you are" I heard Magenta say from behind me. I turned around and grinned when I noticed she had my backpack. "Aw thanks Magenta. You're such a sweetheart" I said grabbing my bag from her. "No problem" she said rolling her eyes. "So what exactly are we going to do for your birthday" she said obviously annoyed by Isaac's presence. "Just meet at the bowling alley. The one with the arcade. 6 o'clock" I yelled as I ran towards my bus. "Isaac. Quick. Tell me which bus is yours" I said quickly as I saw Warren coming out of the school. "That one, but why do y-"
"Great let's go" I said cutting him of and pulling him towards the bus he pointed to. I ran up the steps and went to the first empty seat I could find and sunk down so that I couldn't be seen from the window. "What are you doing" Isaac asked sitting down next to me. "What does it look like dummy? I'm hiding" I said in a duh tone. "Yeah I get that, but why are you hiding?"
I rolled my eyes. "I just don't want anyone to see me until my party okay. Is that all right with you sergeant Isaac?"
He held up his hands in a surrendering motion. "Okay okay. I'm sorry."
"Damn right you are" I muttered as the bus took off. It was silent between us all the way to the bus stop in my neighborhood. I got up and walked over Isaac's legs and to the aisle, only to see him getting up with me. "What are you doing" I asked walking towards the doors of the bus. "This is my bust stop" he said stepping off of the bus behind me. I quickly turned around and stared at him with wide eyes. "You're kidding right?"
"No. I moved in a couple weeks ago, but I'm kind of a mole, so I just stay in my room" he said. I nodded at him and turned to walk in the direction of my house. Of course. He had to walk in this direction too. "So why are you not talking to me now? I thought we were having fun on the roof of the school" he said catching up to me to walk beside me. "I don't know," I said shrugging my shoulders, "I guess I like to enjoy the scenery in my walk home."
I came to my street and turned down it, only to hear Isaac following me. "You don't live on this street do you" I asked whining a little. "Yeah I do. Is there a problem that?"
"No no no. It's fine. Whatever" I said picking up my pace. I saw my house and turned around to see if Isaac was still behind me. He was across the street standing front of a house opening the door. "Isaac" I yelled from across the street. He lifted his head to look at me and smiled. "Yeah" he shouted back. "We're doing something at the bowling alley with the arcade. You can stop by if you want. It's for my birthday" I said. The neighbors were probably annoyed with all of the shouting that was going on. "Um ok. Yeah, I'll stop by" he said opening the door and walking inside the house. He had had his arm in a weird way when he went in. I scrunched my eyebrows and continued to look at the spot he had left. I shrugged and turned to walk the rest of the way to my house.

I walked inside of my house and saw that no one was home. I locked the door and headed up the stairs to my room. I closed the door, and also locked it, and flopped down on my bed. I took my phone out and saw that I had text messages from Warren.
From: Hot Stuff❤️- Hey why did you run out of the room? Come back. I can't see your butt from whoever you are😂
Hot Stuff❤️- Are you okay? You didn't reply or come back to class, so I'm worried about you.
Hot Stuff❤️- Please text me Har. I need to know you're okay.
Hot Stuff❤️- Magenta told me about your plans. It sounds cool. Text me when you get home safe. I Love you❤️.

I sighed as I finished reading the messages. He is always so sweet to me. I decided that is need to text him back. I do t want to be mad at him for too long.
To Hot Stuff❤️ From My Cutie😘
My Cutie😘- I'm sorry for not responding earlier. I just need to cool off from something that happened in class. You don't have to worry about it. Anyways I'll see you at six. You can come by before that if you want😉
I'm kidding, but you can come over. My parents aren't home yet, but they'll probably be here when it's time for us to go. So see you at six, or earlier, I love you❤️.
Read at 4:59

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