A day with Gladion

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I don't know where this is going and I honestly never wrote a fanfic but this is fun nonetheless.

It was morning. I woke up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.
"Morning there," said a voice.
I hesitated, "Gladion is that you?"
"Who else would it be?" He asked.
He came from around the corner. He crossed his arms and leaned against a wall. "Your cute when your asleep you know."
My face suddenly felt hot.
"Uh...I uhh."
I didn't know what to say. I was always bad with compliments.
"You know your supposed to say thank you when someone compliments you." He said with a glare.
I was still speechless.
He then stood up from leaning on the wall. "Anyways, Lille and Hau left. They went to Poni and said you could catch up if you wanted to. I told them I had other plans for you." He exclaimed.
"Other plans? What other plans?" I asked.
"You don't have to follow through with them. It's just if you want to. I want to hang out with you for a day. Your interesting." He then stared at the ground.
Was this guy the master at making girls blush or what.
Stammering through my sentences I tried to tell him I was ok with it.
He looked up at me showing he understood and gave a slight smile. "Great, get ready."

I grabbed my things, brushed my hair, and followed him out. "Where are we going?" I asked. "Getting breakfast first," he said leading the way. I couldn't help the fact that he was honestly my type. I was falling for him and with more time spent with him my feelings become more clear. "You know Gladion, you should smile more." I said. He stopped. "Why do you say that?" He asked. "Well, all you do is frown all the time. You seem friendlier when you smile. It's attractive." I said. "The only girl I want to be attracted to me is you." He said then began walking again.
I was speechless. What was that supposed to mean. Does he have feelings for me? Does he think me being attracted to him will make us closer friends? Everything was so unclear and confusing.
He took me to a Poke' cafe. We ordered and sat at a table for two. We sat there silently for a while. I tried to find a way to break the silence. The waitress came with our drinks and asked if we were going to have separate checks so she'd know in advance. Gladion told her he was paying so it would be on one. I looked up and glared at him. I always hated people paying for me. The waitress nodded. She walked away but we over heard her say,"young couples are so cute."
"You don't have to pay you know. I have money." I said. He looked up at me. I got lost in his magical emerald eyes. "To late now." He said. I looked away from his powerful eyes.
"Why do you want to get to know me more?" I asked. "Like I said before, your interesting." He said while we both weren't looking at each other. "That can't just be it!" I said looking back up at him. "Calm down your causing a scene. Why does it matter anyways?" He crossed his arms and looked away. "I uh... it just matters to me ok." I sat back in the chair and looked at the flower on the table. The waitress came back with our food. We were in silence until our food was gone. Gladion payed and we headed out the door. He kept walking. "Hey wait up!" I yelled. "I'm not gonna leave you" he said with a slight hint of a smile. "What's that supposed to mean?" I said. "Only thing it's meant to mean I guess." He said stubbornly. I sighed and followed him. "Where now?" I asked. "Beach. I want to show you something. I've always wanted to share it with someone that meant something to me." There he went again. He kept telling me these things that I wanted to take as him liking me so bad but I couldn't and I wouldn't. If he didn't then I wouldn't have had my hopes up.
We arrived at the beach soon enough and he walked over to a corner of the beach. "Look down." He said. I looked down. I couldn't look away. They were crystal like shapes with beautiful colors all in the sand. "H.. how...what are these?" I asked. "Shattered glass that come up from the ocean. Some of its real artistic and interesting. I thought you'd be interested in it." He said looking away. I bent down to get a closer look. He bent down beside me. He picked one up. It was a pretty purple and was smoothed enough around the edges to where it wouldn't cut you. "Here." I cupped my hands and he placed it in them. He then held my hands and stayed that way for a while. I was surprised by it. What was he doing? "You ok?" I asked. "Huh? Oh um yeah." He pulled his hands away and placed them in his pockets. I stood up. I put the glass in my pocket and looked out into the ocean. "I know we've only know each other for a while, but I want to be close to you." I said. "This is only making my desires for that stronger." He got up also. He grabbed my hand and my heart fell. My face heated up. He got close to my ear and in a hushed voice said "good."
He was still holding my hand and pulled me with him. He just walked along the beach. Not many people were there. Probably three at the most. We walked. Holding hands. My head began to feel heavy. I laid my head on his shoulder while we walked. He was slightly taller so it was perfect and comfortable. We walked off the beach and I lifted my head. Soon enough two little kids ran by and splashed a puddle. I was completely wet. The cold wind blew and I shivered. They apologized and I told them it was ok and mistakes happen. They were relieved I wasn't mad. I was was cold. My teeth began to chatter. I then felt something warm on my shoulders. He placed his jacket on them. "Wear it." He ordered. "Huh?" I stopped. "Your cold and wet. Wear it." He exclaimed. I felt defeated but I put it on. How was he able to wear this is the warmer weather? It was warm and comfy. His smell lingered on it and I kept sniffing making it sound like my nose was stuffy but it wasn't and I just wanted to smell his wonderful smell. I didn't know why I liked it. I just did. We ended up in a park. We kept walking. We walked a trail. Not even halfway down the trail he placed his arm around me. I lost it. I was a blushing mess and I couldn't help myself. "You ok?" He asked. "Couldn't be better." I said. I wasn't lying. I never felt this way about anyone. He laughed silently to himself. "You sure your boyfriend won't beat me up for doing this?" He asked. Why would he ask that. Wouldn't I tell him if I had one? Was he just messing with me? "I don't have one." I said. He smiled. It was adorable. He was the cutest thing ever to me and all I could do was blush. "You think your girlfriend would get mad at me? I ask. "Don't have one. Never have." He said. So, would that mean he's never kissed? I decided not to bring it up. My Dicidueyes pokeball began to shake. I pulled it out and let him come out. He rubbed his head against me. I petted Him then fed him some pokebeans. "Good boy!" I said. Gladion laughed. All of his Pokemon had high friendship. When did he connect with them? I then saw a side I never saw of him. His caring side. I fell in love with it. He was a completely new person. I was head over hills for him and this made me worse. I called dicidueye back."Gladion." I began. "I know it's probably really obvious. I like you. A lot. I didn't want to tell you but I guess now is the perfect time of ever. I didn't want to regret not telling you." He stopped. He was red all in the face and he was surprised. Real surprised. "Your good at hiding it." He then pulled me into a hug. I buried my face in his chest and heard his heartbeat. I place my hands on his shoulders as his fell around my waist. "We still have the whole day ahead of us." He said.
I looked up at him. "I can't wait."

Hey guys! Woah sorry for the super long chapter! I couldn't stop myself. XD I'm honestly in love with it and I can continue it too. This is 1533 words long! My longest part to anything I've ever wrote. I love this and I want to continue. Please don't hesitate to comment and tell me if you like it so far. I did my best on this part since the last one was kind of a joke. I hope you enjoy it and much as I am!

Gladion X Reader (Canceled)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt