disaster show

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balloons flew to the sky colors of red, green, and blue as people lined up outside to enter the stadium,to watch the amazing power puff boy z. for what they don't know is that there in for a surprise. once the whole room was full the mayor stepped on the stage taping his mic before speaking. " greeting ladies and gentlemen we all came here to see none other than the three most worshiped people in Townsville" he announced while the crowed hollered. " please welcome ....... the power puff boys z" he said as he step aside letting the boys.... uh girls walk threw. stumbling on each other the finally got their balance standing in poses only girls would stand in which confused the crowd causing them to stutter in awe. most girls had looks of disgust while men blushed thinking they were gay. " uh... lets start the invent" the mayor said scratching his head while everyone cheered.

" WAIT ONE MOMENT" someone yelled causing everyone to look behind themselves. the real power puff boys stood at the window before running ,landing on the stage ,and posing. " were the real power puff boys z" they said waiting for everyone to start yelling at the imposters. " don't let those girls trick you" brick said. " there imposters" boomer added ' there just pretending to be us" butch finished. " oh how scary ninjas came to steal our spot light" blossom tease. ' how there just saying stupid stuff" bubbles taunted. " no prof, no game" buttercup added. " oh we'll show you proof" brick yelled while the crowded supported the girls. " looks like its going to be harder to get this town to believe us" boomer said. ' well if there not willing to cooperate then we'll just have to take it by force" butch said while the girls smirked. ' we like to se you try" blossom said trying to use brick boomerang " boomerang swing" blossom said but instead of hitting the boys it went in a triangle around them while they just stood there with blank expressions. the boomerang came back and hit blossom instead knocking her to the ground.

next was bubbles as she held boomers baseball bat " batter up baseball" she yelled but instead swung it around inn circles as she then became dizzy and fell to the floor. now it was buttercup " musical note" buttercup said playing the flute upwards as it reflected off the roof hitting her instead as she became paralyzed and couldn't move. brick laughed and said " see look at them " " they cant even use their weapons correctly" boomer added for him " now who do you think the imposters are" butch finished while the crowed pointed at them. the boys dropped to the floor crawling to the mayor begging him to notice it was them and the rowdy ruff girls were in their cloths. but instead the mayor took the girls side while trash was being thrown at the boys as they hid off the stage. the girls laughed at the boys as they ran off.

the boys didn't stop then. they disused themselves as the ( I don't know what its called the people who choose which thing they should do ect) crew. " now to show the importance of manners the ppbz will talk with the boys" said he guy on the mic. the boys held up a sign that said ' musical chair, loser gets punished, they have to dress up fancy like' the person on the mic read it out loud confused at how that's about has to do with manners but did it anyways. the first round went and the mayor lost . next round he was wearing a very tight tux, he lost again. this time we wore a tux that was even tighter. ' I'm going to help him" brick said pressing a button on his wrist sending little shuricains on one seat. mayor got to a seat before blossom but sat back up screaming in pain while blossom took the seat not feeling anything since the little tiny swords were stuck in the mayor butt.

after the game the man announced to have a real talk with the mayor, and the talking be ginned. the mayor stood up and started talking about manners. the ppbz were on top the stage using a fish hook to lift up one of the girls shirts raveling their.... uh undergarments. just as the hook was about to go for blossom she stood up getting ready to explain the complete opposite of manners while brick realed in the hook making sure on one saw I. " such a complete loss" brick sighed. " everyone why don't we just shake our hips for a change" blossom said" it doesn't matter if your skin show out" she said and started belly dancing " its healthy if you do it everyday" bubbles said " and people think its cute" added bc. the crowed just started in utter shock while brick tried to use the hook again butt  *snickers*  it went under mayors tux. the mayor moved blossom out of the way " no it is not cute when you belly dance matter of fact its inappropriate for all the kids around us" mayor convinced  'oh no" brick said trying to real it out butt *snickers*  it got lifted up. his belly was sticking out as he screamed in utter horror and embarrassment.

" perverted" some girls screeched as the mayor ran away while the boys sighed and face palmed there selves. ' hey look its the ninjas from before" said one of the guards. the boys sighed while boomer pressed his belt making a smoke bomb to hid themselves as they ran. " sorry for the weird surprise the mayor will be back shortly for now lets talk with the ppbz' the announcer said while the crowd cheered. they girls stared at the crowd as blossom stood up. " knows our chance to  show them our ' new attack' said blossom as the girl nodded. they flew to the sky holding something behind their backs. " PERFUME BOMB" the screeched flying in their own gust of perfume. he crowd smelled the old lady sent and cried as it stung their noses ( so my mom). the boys heard the crowed scream as they went to the stage  to see what happened.

" stop right there rowdy ruff gir-" but they boys could not finish as their noses soon burned and they cried in pain. " what is that smell' butch said as he pinched his noes " up there' boomer pointed out his voice funny from him pinching his noes. they looked up the see the rowdy ruff girls smirking dropping the glass of perfume onto the floor making the smell extend. the boys cried as their lungs burned and tried holding their breath. " try and catch us boys" blossom said while the girls took a chance to inhale the smell showing that they are perfectly fine with the scent. " sooner or later your popularity will go down" bubbles said " you wont be able to show your faces in town ever again" buttercup said. " oh no you wont" the boys shouted flying at the girls as they took off in the sky.

now the real battle was about to start.....

hey guys sorry I hadn't updated in a long time I always forget which episode I need to watch to make this story. took me a long time but I did it. anyways I hope you enjoyed it. I know weird first time putting an a/n at the bottom of the chapter oh well ill get used to it. bye guys.


Ppgz Swapped heroes and villains ( BOOK TWO) [ sequel to switched ] ✅Where stories live. Discover now