Chapter 23

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"Cate," Ginny appeared beside George and I as we sat with the rest of the Weasley family. "Do you think Harry-" I cut her off.

     "I don't know Harry that well. But I like to believe he wouldn't go to his death. I think he would find another way to beat You-Know-Who," I told her. Her face was puffy from crying and I pulled her in between George and I. 

     A small sob escaped her throat. I wrapped my arms around her. She placed her head on my chest and cried. "What if he did?" 

     "We can't do anything about that," I whispered. "It's his choice and if we aren't enough for him to stay and fight, then that's his choice."

     "I love him," Gin cried, "and I don't think he knows it."

     "He knows it," George finally spoke. "I can tell he feels that same way. He wants you to live and if he went down to the Forbidden Forest, then he thinks that it will keep you alive."

     George wrapped his long arms around Gin and I. She quietly sobbed and I  felt my heart break as hers did. "George," I whispered, "is this how it was when I . . . when I left?"

     I felt Gin stiffen but then snuggled deeper into my body. "This isn't the place to talk about it," George spoke. "But yeah, this . . . this is how it feels."

     "Oh sweetheart," I held Ginny closer. "I'm so sorry."

     "Cate, you're going to be a great mum," Ginny told me. She pulled away from me and hugged George. 

     I looked at George. He avoided my gaze and instead gripped my hand. "We may have some problems, but we'll fix them. I know we will," George told me as he looked at those around us.

     "Harry Potter is dead. He was killed as he ran away, trying to save himself while you lay down your lives for him. We bring you his body as proof that your hero is gone.

     "The battle is won. You have lost half your fighters. My Death Eaters outnumber you, and the Boy Who Lived is finished. There must be no more war. Anyone who continues to resist, man, woman, or child, will be slaughtered, as will every member of their family. Come out of the castle now, kneel before me, and you shall be spared. Your parents and children, your brothers and sisters will live and be forgiven, and you will join me in the new world we shall build together."

     No one dared to speak as You-Know-Who's voice echoed over the ground. Ginny cried out and took off towards the courtyard. "Ginny!" I yelled as I ran after her.

     I paused in shock as I found You-Know-Who and his forces walking towards the courtyard. But Ginny's vibrant hair broke me out of my stupor. My arms went around her as she screamed Harry's name.

     "NO!" Professor McGonagall screamed. I heard a cackle and my blood ran cold in my veins.

     Bellatrix Lestrange stood in glory as her eyes swept the crowd. "My little play toy!"
 She called me out. I tightened my grip on Ginny but she was too heartbroken to realize it.

     "No!" Ron's voice was full of the worst emotions imaginable.

     "No!" Hermione broke down.

     "Harry! HARRY!" Ginny screamed. She struggled in my arms. George appeared at my side and pulled Ginny from my arms into his father's. His arms went around me yet he placed me a bit behind him.

     "I want you to get out of here," George looked down at me. Tears pricked my eyes and I clutched his hand.

     "Come with me," I begged, "all of you." My eyes scanned all the broken Weasleys.

     "They won't go," George's voice cracked.

     His eyes were filled with mixed emotions. I could tell he didn't want me to go but at the same time he wanted me to go. To raise the baby myself but I couldn't live without him. Not having George by my side would be even worse than death. In death, we could all be together.

     "Then I stay too," I cried. George pulled me into his side as silent tears ran down my face.

     "SILENCE!" cried Voldemort, and there was a bang and a flash of bright light, and silence was forced upon us. "It is over! Set him down, Hagrid, at my feet, where he belongs!"

     Harry's body was lowered onto the grass.

     "You see?" said Voldemort. He moved Harry's body with his pale bare foot. "Harry Potter is dead! Do you understand now, deluded ones? He was nothing, ever, but a boy who relied on others to sacrifice themselves for him!"

     "He beat you!" yelled Ron, and then the charm broke, and the defenders of Hogwarts were shouting and screaming again until a second more powerful bang extinguished their voices once more.

     I moved my palms towards the Death Eaters and I felt my power moving to form a shield in front of us. It spread to cover all those who protected Hogwarts. The shield would only hold a few dark spells, I could tell, but it would give people time to run if a fight broke out.

     "He was killed while trying to sneak out of the castle grounds," said Voldemort, and there was relish in his voice, "killed while trying to save himself -"

     A boy broke out from our side and charged at You-Know-Who. My shield shattered and flew to surround the boy. But he was disarmed before my powers reached him in time.

     "And who is this?" he spoke in a snake-like hiss. "Who has volunteered to demonstrate what happens to those who continue to fight when the battle is lost?"

     Bellatrix gave a delighted laugh that sent familiar shivers down my spine. I clenched my fists and increased my power that protected the boy.

     "It is Neville Longbottom, my lord! The boy who has been giving the Carrows so much trouble! The son of the Aurors, remember?"

     "Ah, yes, I remember," said Voldemort, looking down at Neville. He struggled to get back to his feet, unarmed and unprotected, and stuck in what seemed to be no-man's land. "But you are a pureblood, aren't you, my brave boy?" You-Know-Who asked Neville, who faced him.

     "So what if I am?" Neville asked loudly.

     "You show spirit and bravery, and you come of noble stock. You will make a very valuable Death Eater. We need you kind, Neville Longbottom."

     "I'll join you when hell freezes over," said Neville. "Dumbledore's Army!" he shouted. George cheered and I joined him.

     "Very well," said You-Know-Who; danger filled his voice and fear sprouted in my body for Neville."If that is your choice, Longbottom, we revert to the original plan. On your head," he said quietly, "be it."

     I thrust my palms towards You-Know-Who. Golden waves flew from my hands and Neville's body. You-Know-Who was thrown back and into his Death Eaters. "FILTH! YOU DARE DEFY YOUR MASTER?" Bellatrix screamed. Her wand swung in my direction and I jumped away from George only to miss the painful spell that tore screams from my throat but was hit with a second curse. It hit my right shoulder and I felt it go to the bone.

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