Chapter 3

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"So, you don't know what your name is?" A boy a few years younger than me asked. I nodded. His name was Ronald Weasley, but he liked to be called Ron. Molly introduced me to all of her kids and I thought it would be good to talk with them.

"Would you like a name?" Molly intervened. I nodded once more.

"Elaine? Hali? Casey? Mary? Igraine? Morgause? Laudine? Lynette? Ettarre? Augusta? Belle? Beatrice? Catelyn? Catherine? Clarissa? Diana? Eleanor? Grace? Gwendolyn? Hazel? Isabella? Jessica? Julia? Lucinda? Phoebe?" The many Weasley family members listed one after another. I was very confused until one name popped out at me.

"Catherine Eliane," I deducted. Molly and Bill, the eldest Weasley child, grinned. Elaine had come from Molly and Catherine from Bill.

"As a first and middle name?" Arthur injected. I nodded. "Perfect! Do you want a last name?"

Looking around the room for inspiration, I spotted what looked like a chess set. "Knight," I responded with a large grin on my face.

"Can I take credit for that? She looked at my chess set so I think I should get credit for her last name," Ron practically yelled. I laughed with everyone as he turned bright red.

"Yes, you can, Ron," he sheepishly smiled as I spoke. "Catherine Elaine Knight," I mused.

     "Can we call you Cate?" The twins, Fred and George, asked in unison. George was the one who calmed me down earlier. Fred was the one who had a voice similar to George's.

"Sure," I responded. They grinned with a suspicious look in their eyes.

"Catherine, a few months ago I came across tickets to something called the Quidditch World Cup, would you like to go with us? We'll teach you all about Quidditch and you can make your decision," Arthur offered. Tears pricked my eyes at how kind and generous they were. I wish I could remember my life before them though, it would give me the closure I desire.

"I would like to. Thank you, just for-for everything," I was at a loss for words.

"Of course dear! You're part of this family now, even if you don't have magic," said Molly. I lunged forward and captured her in a sudden hug. She was startled but gave me a bone crushing hug back.

"Cate, wanna learn how to play Quidditch?" Fred asked. I released Molly and my hand was taken by a pale hand that was connected to Ginny.

     "Sure, but can someone explain it before I play? Will it work for a muggle?" I inquired. They frowned and looked at each other with questioning looks.

     "We don't know, you're the only muggle we've ever met," Charlie replied. I bit my lip to try and remember anything but all it did was send sharp shooting pain through my skull.

     "Well, we'll see," I smiled as I followed the six Weasley children outside. Bill said he would have played with us but he had to leave for work minutes ago. Charlie took the day off of work to spend with his family and get to know me.

     George walked next to me with Fred on the other side. They were talking and finishing each other's sentences with had me bursting out in laughter every few seconds.

     "Did you survive Avada Kedavra?" Fred started.

     "Cause you're drop dead gorgeous!" George finished. I burst out laughing and snorted. They froze and looked at me. Suddenly, they burst into laughter and we fell to the ground laughing. Ron, Ginny, and Charlie looked at us like we were insane.

     "T-That is s-so c-cheesy!" I exclaimed. "Too c-cheesy!" We recovered and got up off the ground.

     "Wanna hear another one while Ron and Ginny get the brooms? I'm betting Charlie would be the best with explaining the rules. We kinda just-" George started.

     "Say screw the rules!" Fred finished. I laughed and my face hurt from smiling so much.

     "If you were a Dementor-" Fred started. It was so amusing how they took turns.

     "I'd become a criminal just to get your kiss," finished George. I giggled and he blushed. Fred hit his arm and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Alright, quite hogging her!" Ginny whined. Charlie scolded her for being childlike and I laughed.

     "So," a broom was tossed at me and I caught it, "let's teach you how to play Quidditch."

     They explained all the rules to me and by the time in was dark, we didn't even get to fly.

"Dinner!" Moly said from inside. They all started sprinting towards the house, pushing each other but Ginny for through unscathed. I quietly ran after them, laughing once I reached the door. Charlie, Ron, Fred, and George we all trying to get through the door but were crammed in it instead.

"Boys!" Molly scolded as she saw what predicament they were in. "Cate needs to get in," they tried to wiggle out of the way but to no prevail.

"Cate," whizzed Charlie due to the fact that he was stuck with little way to get air to his lungs. "Use them. No one here will tell anyone outside of this family."

"Molly, should I use them?" I yelled inside. I heard a sigh.

"It would be best. I can't think of a spell to get them all out of there without transfiguring one," replied Molly. I took a deep breathe and held one hand out towards the jumbled up doorway.

"Close your eyes, it'll probably be better," I warned them. Only Ron did as I advised but they fluttered open a few seconds later.

I envisioned moving Charlie towards me since he was the largest. A warm feeling entered my body and went through my veins, stopping before exiting my body and pulling Charlie towards me. It took a few seconds before he moved and my energy was quickly draining due to the fact that I've only used this one.

Charlie, I'm going to drop you now. Get your feet ready, I spoke in his mind. He was still unable to move but all the other boys fell to the entrance of the doorway, free of the jumble.

I released my powers and finally noticed the white light that had captured Charlie and was coming from my hand, like curtains of silk. It was weird, but it felt natural. I loved this feeling because it was like a cage had been broken inside of me. Like someone was finally free.

"That. Was. Wicked," Ron breathed. I let out a nervous laugh and took a deep breath. "Are all muggles like this?"

"Nope, just Cate."

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