Chapter 1

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I'm currently in Brownville, Maine; I'm thinking that I should explore. I tremble at the thought at being caught by the Tari. Maybe I'm better off dead; the Tari will just kill me anyway. Not thinking clearly, because I'm sleep deprived. I turn down the busiest road in all of Brownville.

"What the....." I cursed under my breath.

I instantly wake up and quickly search for somewhere to turn around. From my peripheral vision, I see what seems like a big blur. I knew what that was and I tremble at the thought of ever saying what it is.

"I can't believe it already found me..." I say with a gasp.

Out of nowhere, I hear a loud shriek. I gasp at the thought of myself harming anyone else. I abruptly stop my white rental car and turn on my hazard lights. I, then, instantly jump out of my car and see if I hit something.

"O-oh my g-g-god," I say with a shock.

"What h-happened," a strange man says with agony in his voice.

He looks almost angel-like. Fair skinned with brown curly hair; along with his hazelnut brown eyes. What did I just do?!?! I thought with more concern than I believed possible.

I quickly bend down to ask "A-a-are you okay," with some worry and fright.

The man with fair skin moans in pain. I didn't know what to do, or say for that matter. Suddenly a thought popped into my mind, I need to call an ambulance. Why didn't I think of this sooner?!?! So, I then alter my position trying to find my phone. Once my hand caught my phone I dialed 911.

"Hello, 911 dispatch. How may I assist you today," the monotoned voice says.

"Um..... I accidentally bumped into a man with my car," I said with intensity.

"Alright, miss. Help is on the way, but I need you to stay on the phone with me until medics have arrived."

I told the woman my address and soon enough the ambulance came to help the helpless man that I mistakenly ran over.

"What happened," one of the medics asked.

"I... uh... accidentally ran into him with my car," I shamefully said.

The man was secured on the gurney with a neck brace. "Do you want to follow us in your car," the medic by the door asked with a quick smile.

"Sure," I said eagerly.

Once I was in my car the medic by the door then disappears out of sight, while I buckled my seat belt. As I tried to keep up with the ambulance I heard so much screaming, from the ambulance. I still can't believe I ran over this poor man, and that's all I could think about.

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