Chapter 19

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She healed within a few days and was sore for a day but that was it. When Jake got hurt, it took him maybe a week and another for the soreness but not my Layla... yeah just thinking of the her as mine makes me smile because she is mine ... all mine and Alec will pay for what he did and Hillary for betraying Layla like that! Ugh! pull yourself together Seth. Layla will know something is up. I thought I would give Layla time with her family and find out what's different from her to a regular wolf and an alpha. I decided to go and see Billy and the elders with Jake tagging along.

"So Seth why have you called this little meeting?" Billy asked as we sat at Jake's house in the dining room.

"Well Billy it's about my mate.. Layla. She's uh different than the rest of us."

They looked at me weirdly not understanding the problem

"She's your mate. She'll stand out to you like that. Different." One of them answered as they all nodded in agreement

"No. Dad It's not that. Remember what happened with me and Paul when we were decideding which pack she should belong too? And recently with... our problem. She got hurt like I did and healed completely in a week! It took me al least 2  weeks to heal fully.

They all looked at each other as they all knew something Jake and I didn't know.

"What is it?!" I asked so worried

"She's a lone  alpha wolf." Billy said 

"No." Jake said in disbelief

"What the hell does that mean?"

"It means she is her  own alpha." Jake said looking at me 


"Well a long time ago the Blacks and Black-smiths used to be... one-"

"You mean somehow Layla and Jake are related?!" 

"Yes now shut up and listen." Jake said smacking me from the back of the head.

"They had children and had twins that were both alphas. But one was a boy the other a girl. She was disowned their creating Layla's line." 

After that and hearing all of what he said, it sort of made sense now. All of it did.

Jake and I went back to explain all of it to Layla and it was a lot for her to take in.

"So you mean we are related?" Jake and I both nodded.

"W-What do I do? I am I freak?!"

"No. No Layla you are most definitely not a freak! your a alpha of your own. And it's nothing to be ashamed of."

"Then what do I do?"

"We'll discuss this once we take care of this vamp problem." Jake said standing up looking at us as we knew the words he was gonna say and dreaded it.

"It's time to train."

My poor mate had no idea what she's gotten herself into.

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