"Well it was nice to meet you Jus. Maybe I'll see you around." He said smiling showcasing his perfect teeth.

"Maybe so" she said and continued on her way to the McDonald's as he caught up with his friends.

Two weeks later

Jace POV

I sat in the back of my class trying to take in all the formulas my chemistry professor was giving but it was going in one ear and out the other.

"Jaceyon, what is the answer to number 3?" She asked.

"Uhhh, I'm not dat sure ma'am. I aint really hea' you explainin' it" I lied.

"Pay attention" she said and continued on with class. The rest of the time I was on Instagram and I seen dat thea' was a beach party tanight and I needed to be in thea'. All dem girls in bikinis? Hell yea! My professor released class to asked for me to stay behind.

"Jaceyon, you are failing my course and this is not an elective you need this course to graduate. Your season starts in 2 weeks and if your grade doesn't improve I'll be forced to deem you ineligible to play" she said with her hands folded across her chest.

"But I gotta play!" I said growing frustrated. It wasn't my fault chemistry was so damn hard.

"Well I have a student who tutors and she is pretty good. All of the students she tutors grades increase within a week so I'd say she's your best option" she said packing all of her things in her bag. She pulled out a card and handed it to me.

"I will schedule you in with her tonight at 7" she said heading towards the door.

"Wait hol up tanight? Can we do it on Monday or somethin'?" I asked.

"No she has another job and to be completely honest Jaceyon. Your best bet is to start ASAP. If you wanna play, be at the library in the study area tonight at 7 on the dot" she said walking out the door.

"Damn it" I sighed. I wanna go to that party but I need da help from dis hea' girl. Ima have ta charm ha' down and see if she will do tha' homework fa' me and I can head straight to the party. I thought as I left the classroom and headed to practice.

Justice POV

I just clocked out at the cafe and was headed to the library to tutor this guy that my old chemistry teacher begged me to tutor. I took off my apron and grabbed my caramel frappachino and headed out the door.

Once I got to the library it was 6:55 and I started setting up the private study room so that we could get right into this session. I was exhausted and wanted to be in my bed.

15 minutes went by and still the guy was a no show. Whoever this Jaceyon character is was starting to piss me off. I gathered all of my things and got ready to go when I heard the door open.

"I'm so sawry ma'" he said and I recognized the accent.

"Aw Justice? You my tutor?" He said sitting in the seat across from where I was standing.

"I'm sorry? We know each other?" I said genuinely confused on where he knew me from.

"Awww man you down bad fa that thea'" he said laughing but my face was still straight.

"Oh man das' awkward. We met a couple weeks ago outside ya buildin'" he said jogging my memory.

"Oh Jace right?" I said sitting in my seat.

"Yeaaaah, my real name is Jaceyon so I guess that's why you ain't catch me by name" he said.

"Yeah, well Jace I'm here to help you and all but next time your late, you will not be tutored. I only have 3 rules: show up on time, don't ask me to do your work, and actually try. Can you do those things?" I said looking into his eyes.

"Uhhh oyeah I gotcha ma'" he said looking disappointed which I expected.

All the athletes and fraternity dudes always come in here expecting that I'm some groupie nerd who is waiting on them to come swoop me off my feet so I'll do anything for them. Wrong answer, not me! I hope since we already cordial he won't be an ass like the rest but can't expect much outta his kind.

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