chapter two

Depuis le début

"Also, my soulmate wrote this yesterday," Dan said, showing Louise his right forearm.

"Dan, Phil was wearing a jacket today, right?" Louise asked.

Dan nodded, "Yeah, why?"

"He could be your soulmate!" She exclaimed.

"Don't you think he would've told me by now?" Dan questioned.

"He could be saving it for later," She said, "It's a possibility."

"I guess so..." Dan said, "But I'm still not going to get my hopes up."

"Fine, fine," Louise rolled her eyes, then burst into giggles.

Dan began to laugh with her. He was happy.


Finally Saturday rolled around. Dan had texted Phil his address previously.

Phil was on his way, and Dan was kind of freaking out. He was wearing his moth shirt and black skinny jeans. He hadn't drawn or written anything on himself in a few days so his arms were now bare. Maybe that was a good thing, so Dan wouldn't be distracted.

In about ten minutes, there was a knock on the door. Dan swallowed the lump in his throat and walked toward it.

He walked toward the door, and opened it, revealing Phil who was wearing his glasses and his usual black jeans, along with a teal button up t-shirt. This is the first time Dan had seen his arms.

They were blank, just like Dan's.

"Is that a moth shirt?" Phil said.

Dan laughed, "Yes."

"I like it," Phil said, "You look great, by the way."

"You do too," Dan said, "You look phenomenal, actually."

Phil blushed, "Thanks."

"Uh, come in," Dan said, "So what do you have planned?" Dan shut the door behind Phil.

"Well, we can stay here if you'd like, and just watch movies, or we could go on a walk to the park. It's really your decision, I wanted you to be happy with whatever we did," Phil said.

Dan smiled, "I think I'd rather stay here and hang out, if that's okay with you."

"Of course it's okay with me, Dan," Phil said, "That's why I asked you."

"Alright," Dan grinned, "Right this way."

"You're so cheesy," Phil laughed.

"Is that a problem?" Dan said.

"No, it's cute," Phil said.

Dan laughed just as they got into the lounge, "Okay, so you're gonna think I'm super nerdy, but do you want to watch anime?"

"You watch anime, too?!" Phil said.

"Yes!" Dan said, "I'm taking that as a yes."

"Let's watch Attack On Titan," Phil said, "I've seen it before and I'm sure you have too, but I love it."

"I have seen it before, but that way we can talk and stuff during it," Dan said, "And it is really good."

"Sweet," Phil said.

Dan put on the anime and grabbed a couple of blankets. He also made popcorn.

"Dang, you got everything," Phil said, "You're amazing."

Dan laughed and took a seat next to him, "Bullshit."

"Shut up," Phil said, "Why else would I have asked you out?"

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