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Tagged by @MistyStorme123

Rules: Post 20 facts about yourself

Doing these things are fun lol

1. While writing fanfictions, I usually sit in silence because listening to music distracts me

2. Sometimes parts of my fanfictions are inspired my shojo mangas I read lol

3. I hate Mystic Messenger

4. I do not consent for Trump to build the Great Wall of America

5. Memes r my dreams

6. The principle at Karasuno has a brighter head than my future

7. If I were to roast someone, I would say 'Your future is smaller than Asian eyes'

8. I'm Asian

9. My favorite anime opening song is Lucky Star's first opening

10. I thought Death Note was stupid and funny

11. I haven't watched AOT yet

12. I can't wait for 2017

13. I really hope that I can get a nice stylus pen

14. I hate car washes

15. I hate Ushijima Wakatoshi/ Ushiwaka

16. When making AMV's, I usually listen for the word syllables because most people listen to a songs words instead of the beat (And it sounds more in beat)


18. My school starts back on January the 3rd ;-;

19. I really like Dr. Pepper

20. I have a salty sister

Yay do this if u want cuz ik it's kind of annoying to tag lol 💖

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