I'm Lost Without You

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I woke up to Cole sitting on the edge of my bed, bottle feeding my youngest niece, Bailey. My eyes met her own brown ones and I couldn't help but smile a little bit. Bailey was going to be such a man killer. She had my sister's softer colored brown eyes and adorable pink lips. Her nose she got from her dad instead of the usually sloped one.

"Your sister said you were in here," he said kindly. I sat up and held my arms out for my niece. He gave her to me without hesitation before looking me over.


"I'm sorry about Frankie. I know you really liked him," he said awkwardly. I played with Bailey's small hands as her dad fidgeted with her bottle. "Love is a hard thing-"

"Please, don't do that shit to me. She already gave me a pep talk and this from you is a really pathetic," I said and laughed when he threw himself down on the bed. I could tell he thought the same. Cole was a good guy but comfort was not his strong point.

"I feel bad but at the same time, at least your parents still accept you," he said while I passed him Bailey. She was dozing off yet again but I would not be dribbled on.

"My parents are assholes," I said with a lazy smile. "They love Bree. They just won't admit it." He gave me a smile before standing up and going to the door. He quickly stopped and looked back at me.

"Tell her-"

"I got it," I laughed and then quickly pulled on some clothes left at the bottom of my bed. They were Cole's probably seeing as he had left a red Hawaiian shirt, black skinny jeans, and pink boxers. I groaned to myself and lifted the ugly short sleeve button up to my face.

I'm just going to Sam's pizza joint and then the library. It doesn't matter.

I yanked on the hideous shirt over my white tank top, the decent jeans, and then slid my own black boots on. I looked in the mirror on my door and groaned seeing I looked like some kind of tourist. Why did Cole wear these nasty things?

Soccer dad?

Soccer dad.

I walked out the room after fixing my hair and sliding on sunglasses. I really didn't want to be recognized but in this line of work, everyone would know me. Bree was fighting Nora into a pink bathing suit as she screamed bloody murder when I got into the living room. I laughed and went to her tickling up her sides as Bree snickered at my attire.

"I'm glad he gave you that one," she giggled. "Now you can burn it." I rolled my eyes and kissed her forehead before walking by the kitchen so I could snatch up an apple. Bree waved at me and Cole snapped a photo before I walked out of the house and into my Audi.

I drove to Tino's and slammed my door closed just in time to see Angel and Sammy laughing outside of the pizza joint. Angel had his arm wrapped around his husband and Sammy was kissing on his neck.

Lucky bastards.

"Oh! There he is," Angelo said with a big smile. I shook his hand and hugged Sammy quickly, trying to run past him when Angel stopped me. I met his brown eyes and gave him a questioning look. "So, I know you and Frankie are not a thing but this shirt is more than just pain."

"Angelo!" Sammy snapped and slapped his shoulder. "That is none of our business."

Angel whimpered as I looked down to the ground. Frankie and Angel had always been close but it was not his business to tell. "I stayed with Bree last night. This is the only shirt Cole had," I laughed off. They both looked at me with sympathy so I pushed past them and into the shop where Sam was sitting on the counter and Emilio was laying on an empty table with his son talking to him.

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