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Mark Wahlberg adopts a 15 year old African girl, and saves her from an abusive foster home !

Ashley's POV

When I walk into this huge mansion I see my new family, I've prayed for years and years to be adopted by an amazing family, but I never thought it would be that most famous family ever. (Like the Kardashians but even more famous) Mr.Wahlberg has so many kids as it is I don't understand why he would adopt me, I mean he has two twin daughters Brooklyn and Ariana both my age, then a 14 year old daughter Hayley, the 3 younger children with one on the way. So I still haven't been told why he would adopt a child when he has many as it is, especially me of all people.

Ariana's POV

When my dad walks into the house with our new sister I can't help but notice how skinny she is and how sickly she looks, I mean dad told us how she was so mistreated but, I didn't know it was that bad. We all say our hellos then all my siblings run off and do whatever I guess, I walked over to Ashley from behind her so she couldn't see me, I put my hand on her back and she flinched and then looked up at me shaking.

"I'm not gunna hurt you" I said

"I'm sorry it's just what I'm use to" she said back as a tear an down her face

"Would you like me to show you to your new room" I said picking up her bag

"Sure" she said

We walk upstairs to her room, when I open the double doors I put her bags down and I turn to look at her. Her eyes are big and she's just standing there looking around like how you see in the movies.

"Well do you like it" I say

"It's so big how many people will be living in here with me" she said

"Oh Ash, maybe I call you Ash?" I say

"Yes" she said back

"Okay well Ash this is your room only you live in here no one but you" I say smiling

"But it's so big, to big for someone like me" she said

"All of us have rooms this size" o said putting my hand on her shoulder

She looked up and smiled at me

"Ashley your my new sister, forever now, so we should get to know each other because your apart of the family now, what do you have anything you like to do like sports or singing? Anything like that?" I said sitting with her on the bed

"I like to sing, but everyone I would sing our house mother would beat me with the broom" she said softly

"Oh Ash no one is going to do that to you here all we do is sing in this house we are a house of musicians, why don't you sing a lil sum for me huh" I said smiling

"Oh I'm not as good as you or your sisters" she said with her head down

"Our sisters, but I'm sure you are jut as good, or maybe even better, come on please sing a little sum for me" I said putting her head how with my hand

"Ok I'll try"

She started to sing my new song "the climb" and she sang it way better then me, I couldn't believe what I was hearing her voice was beautiful. She was so lost in the music that she didn't hear me take me phone out and start recording her my dad and step mom walked in followed behind my other siblings. After she was down we all applauded her, she got all red and smiled really big.

"Ashley I never new you could sing" my dad said

"I can't that was nothing it was really bad I was so off key" she said back

"No that was amazing" he said sitting next to her

Ashley's POV

After that day Mark and the girls took me into the studio and I was signed In a matter of months. After my first album came out Ariana,Brooklyn, Hayley, Kylie (our half sister), and me started a group called Fifth Harmony! Through out these pass 4 years we've become huge with our reality show, and albums we were all solo artists but also we had the group. We all graduated from high school except for Kylie (she's only 15).

So now Brooklyn, Ariana, and me are all 19 years old as Hayley is 18, we'll about to be tonight is her party and it's going to be so lit mainly because this guy that is kinda talking to is coming, one thing is that my dad doesn't really approve of him so he doesn't know about us, yet at least.

Thanks for ready! New chapter soon

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2016 ⏰

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