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We're lucky to be in this world, to be in this city.

They say that the first war was terrible, that the half of the world was nearly destroyed— nearly.

Second war was very unexplainable, that the half of the world was now completely destroyed— completely.

Our founders built a wall to keep us safe, and since the world wasn't fully fixed, some people decided to divide us into two groups— Average and Aberrant.

Average, or what they call "normal peoples" used to live with peace. But since this world had a war, they stopped living with peace. And they never used to live with peace, anymore. And this is also where I belong.

Aberrant, or what they call "the unique peoples". Their world wasn't same with ours. Their world was like a tomorrowland— full of high-technologies. Or also what they call, "the other side of the world".

The Earth was once complete, but since the war started, world was now split into two parts. But there is this one mysterious issue, they never knew who started the war. Because what they know, is that, average and aberrant were vibes or allies.

But now, they're not. They're now enemies, because of that war.

At first, I thought we're lucky to be in this world. But no, we're not. We've never been very lucky to be in this world. Or should I say, I've never been very lucky to be in this world.

Because everyone knows where they belong, except for me.

Aberrant: The Other Side Of The WorldWhere stories live. Discover now