Chapter 2: SQUAD

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Candace's POV

First period was cool and all, but I felt like there was a huge weight on my shoulders.

What Jon Jon said while I was in the hospital keeps replaying in my mind every time I see him. Should I tell Ronny?

No, then I'd ruin their friendship. What they have is more than a friendship, like a brotherhood. I'd hate myself if I was to mess that up. I'll just keep my mouth shut unless Jon Jon acts upon his feelings.

"Baby." Ronny nudged me, "you good?"

"Oh yeah, I just zoned out for a second."

"Well check this out." He pulled a piece of paper out his backpack. He sat it on the table and there was my name written in some type of font he created. "I know it's kinda childish, but I thought you'd like it."

I smiled. "Baby, I love it." I grabbed his face and gave him a kiss. "Thank you."

"Excuse me, but there will be no PDA in my classroom. Let me know if I need to separate you now." Our math teacher, Ms. Austin frowned.

"I'm sorry," I apologized. "It won't happen again."

"Don't lie to the lady, Candy." Ronny said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

I nudged him in the side. "It won't happen again." I reassured her.

She passed out a worksheet and said we had the whole class period to do. I started working on it and I felt Ronny's eyes.

"Why you always staring at me?"

"Cause you always so cute." He pinched my cheek.

I playfully rolled my eyes. "Do your work."

"I'd rather do you." He whispered.

I giggled and pushed him away some. He returned a smile and started on his work.

Ronny's POV

Lunch time rolled around and I spotted my boys at our usual spot in the courtyard. "Aye!"

"Aye, they lovin the crew." Quan laughed. I dapped him and Jon Jon up.

I looked around and seen Lena. I waved her over. She nodded and waited for Candace.

"SQUAD!" I yelled. "Just like last year."

Candy sat between me and Quan and Lena sat across, next to Jon.

"You eating a burger today?" I asked Candy, surprisingly.

Since we got together, she's been eating more and getting her weight up. I loved it cause it was going to all the right places, if you know what I mean.

"Half a burger."

"Lemme catch that other half." Jon replied.

She split the burger and gave the wrapped part to Jon.

"Preciate it." He nodded.

Candace nodded slightly and looked down at her food.

"Y'all all coming to the game tonight, right?"

"Duh nigga." Quan said, chomping on a French fry. "Y'all better whoop some ass."

"Yeah, I'm there." Jon reassured me.

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