You wanted food, and if you wanted it might as well play little damsel in distress.

"Little girl, how did you get outside of the wall. Not only that but how long have you been here. And how where you able to survive!"

"Well Mister, if you'd give me ONE, question at a time I'm sure I would answer those questions as soon as possible! "You said in a fake cherry voice, while in the inside you where getting annoyed.

"1.)I didn't even know there was a wall,
2.) I have been here for about an hour.
3.) I used magic! Why you ask? "

Even though you explains what you can do. The people on horses where still confused.

Flash back end.

"-/n),(Y/n) ! Wake up! "

"Hmm, what!" Waking up to your  partner in crime was not how you wanted to get up. Especially not after that dream. The dream where you met these people, not that you where complaining, but that also meant that you have no idea where fairy tail is...

"(Y/n) I'll be going to the court, remember you also have to show up. Who knows what could happen to the kid... " Levi said, aka your partner in crime.

"Ahhh, is Levi worried that the boy might be killed! "

"Tch... Anyway I'll see you down there. "

"Alright! "

Sighing and going to get ready you began to get ready and put on the uniform. Going to the mirror to fix your now short mixed colored hair.

Although you loved your (h/c) hair in the past turns out when you 'traveled dimension' the color changed to a mixture of brown,black,and red. But you also cut it to where you looked like a boy. Your body in this world wasn't as developed. So yeah,most of the time you where confused to be a boy.

Heading out you,you begin to wonder how everyone was and if your brother missed you...

(???) Pint of view

"Eren Yeager (is that how you spell it +-+) seeing as both sides don't feel like backing down, what is your reason you want to live? " said the judge.

Skipping Erens little out burst.

*click click click*

The sound of heals is what I can hear from the hall. Although I can't really say I hear it well.


"Finally.. " said the guy who beat me up.

"Your honer I would like to make a statement! " said a female voice.

"...proceed... "

"Well, to begin I think we should keep the boy alive. "

Cue gasps.

"Because if you think of it we could do so much with the power of a Titan, and did you not see the damage he made while on the form of a Titan? And to think he would lash out, we still have Levi, and so many other strong fighters on the wings of freedom."

Silence filled the air as the mystery person walked up behind me.

"Tell me kid why do you want to be on the wings of freedom? "

aot x reader x fairy tail crossover!!!Where stories live. Discover now