"By 'convenient place to meet' do you mean the right club?" I asked. Danny nodded, I know him so well.

"Don't get too attached to Styles, you're still mine." Danny smirked and placed his lips to mine.

"I wouldn't want it any other way." I gave him a smile. "I'll have to hold in my moans when he has sex with me because I'll probably end up moaning your name." I smirked. "How long will I have to pretend to like Harry?" I asked.

"Probably about a year." Danny said. I groaned. "I'm sorry baby" He apologized.

"I just want to be with you." I whined.

"Think of it this way; the more time you spend with Harry, the harder he'll fall in love with you and the harder he falls, the closer we are to bringing down One Direction." Danny explained.

"Okay" I smiled. "But you've got to promise me something." I said.

"Go on"

"You have promise me that your love for me will still be as strong while doing this mission." I explained.

"I promise Char." He placed his lips to mine. Our lips moved in sync. Danny bit my my lip asking for entrance and I granted access. His tongue explored my mouth and my tongue explored his. Soon we pulled apart. "Mine" Danny said while stroking my face.

"Forever and Always." I smiled.


"Me and Perrie have found out what club they usually go to." Eleanor exclaimed.

"Okay which one?" Danny asked.

"It seems like their main one is Vodka Revolution." Perrie said.

"Well I guess that is where you girls are going tonight, go get dressed." We all nodded and went upstairs into our rooms. "We will leave at 22:00." Danny shouted from downstairs.

I checked the time on my phone, 20:45. Right so I have an hour and 15 minutes to get ready. That's doable. I went to my wardrobe and looked through all my dresses. I decided on a tight black one. I sat down in front of the mirror and began doing my make-up then moved on to curl my hair. I then put on my dress then grabbed my clutch. I looked myself over in the mirror. "Perfect." I said to myself. I checked the time, 21;50. Oh yes I had time to spare, pure skill.

I walked downstairs and saw Maia, Eleanor and Perrie all looking beautiful. The four of us had very different styles. I dress quite rocky and like wearing dark colours. Maia is quite girly she loves wearing skirts especially if they are pink. Eleanor is quite diverse , she can wear anything and still look amazing. Perrie is kind of like Maia, except she's more hippy and loves floral print.

"You all look amazing girls."

"You too Charlotte." I smiled.

I walked over to Danny and placed a kiss to his lips. "You know that is my favorite dress on you." Danny winked.

"I know." I giggled. "Are you coming to the club with us?" I asked.

Danny shook his head. "No I'm just going to drop you off, the boys will know somethings going on if I'm there." I nodded. "C'mon girls lets go." We all nodded and followed Danny to his car.


We pulled up outside the club. "Cya girls." We mumbled byes then got out of the car. Before I could fully exit the car Danny grabbed my hand. I turned round to face him. "You're really going to leave without giving me a kiss." He said. I leaned in and we shared a quick kiss. "We'll have some fun when you get in." He winked causing me to giggle.

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