"Okay." I say confidently. Mason grins at me, and guides me to stand in front of my window. "Wait! Through the window?" My voice shakes at the end. Mason kisses my shoulder rubbing my arms.

    "You will be fine. Want me to go out of it first?" He asks. His words are calming, along with his hands rubbing on my arms. His touch warms my skin all over, and I can feel my eyes close for a second.

"Can you?" I ask softly. I turn my head to look at him, and our eyes lock. He smiles at me kissing my cheek. I can feel myself blushing bright red as he moves away from me. Within a few seconds he is out the widow with his hand out for me. I gulp taking his hand, and he helps me through the window. The cool air covers me in an icy hug making me shiver. Mason puts his hoodie over my head, and fixes it on my body.

"There." He smiles. I smile back as the warmth from his body and sweatshirt wrap around me.

"You didn't have to." I tell him. My eyes widen as I realize he is only in a dark blue tee shirt. It hugs his muscles tightly, but I look away quickly to meet his eyes. "Why would you give it to me? You need it!" I whisper shout. Mason rolls his eyes at me before he moves us towards the vine latter thing that rests on the side of my house.

"Come on. We have to get down quietly so they can't hear us." Mason says in a whisper.

"I don't care if they hear." I say crossing my arms. Mason gives me a flat look making me let my arms hang.

"Yes you do. Now come on, or I'll push you off." He threatens. My eyes go wide as I hurry to follow him. He climbs down effortlessly and quietly. When he is on the ground he looks up to me, and I gulp before climbing down.


"Where the hell are you taking me?" I ask crossing my arms over my chest. Mason sighs as I lean more into the passenger seat of his car.

    "A diner." He says glancing over to me.

    "Why?" I ask confused. Does he know I didn't eat? How would he know that. I pull at the sleeves on the sweatshirt looking down to my bare legs. I only had shorts on when I was in my room, and now I regret that.

    "Seth said you didn't eat." Mason says making my head snap to him.

    "When were you talking to Seth?"

    "That's why I came. He told me what happened." Mason explains looking at me after he parks the car in front of a small diner. I stare at him with wide eyes.

    "Really?" I gasp out. I look down at my lap not knowing what to feel. I guess this is Seth's way of helping. I sigh before looking back to Mason. He opens his mouth to talk, but his phone starts ringing stopping him. He groans cursing under his breath as he answers it.

   "What?" He snaps. He rolls his eyes at whoever is talking to him on the other line. I sigh looking out the window as see a woman clutching her purse close to her as a man in black stalks closer to her. Fear swims in her eyes, and washes over all her features. Without thinking I open the car door and hurry towards them. The cold air stings my bare legs, but I ignore it feeling my heart race.

    "Hey!" I call as I get closer. The woman gives me a look to get help, but I focus my gaze on the man. He turns to me and his dark brown eyes narrow on me. He has a scruffy black beard, which isn't too long yet. He has dark bags under his eyes, and the hood over his head just rests after his hairline.

    "Stay out of this girly." He snarls. I narrow my eyes on him taking a step forward. He raises a knife pointing it at me threateningly.

Mason's Angel (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now