5 - The Scaring

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kakonachun5678 asked, "What will Fresh and Fell do, this isn't good?"

"I'm not gonna do anything, but chill out yo" Fresh said. Fell glared at Fresh, and Fresh glanced over at him. "What dude, I never said I was in on the plan." Fresh said. Fell huffed and muttered something angrily to himself.

kakonachun5678 said, "Mika is almost scared to death"

"M-mika?" (Y/n) stuttered. Mika was breathing heavily, sweat droplets trickling down their face. "I-it isn't normally this crazy. It is typically calmer over there where Ink and I normally hide. You can come hang out with us if you want." (Y/n) smiled. Mika smiled a little, and followed (Y/n).
Ink waved a little, and continued drawing. "Thats Ink, he's pretty cool." (Y/n) said. Ink blushed at the compliment, and looked away. "Over there is the hyper group. Blueberry is the one with the bow, Dream has that crown, and-" (Y/n) says. She points everyone out to Mika, and they share a smile. "-but stay away from Horror and Fell. I think Fell and Horror are teaming up to kill me." (Y/n) said. Mika's eyes went wide, and (y/n) rubbed the back of her neck. "B-but I'm okay!" She exclaimed. "Just be wary, he doesn't really like anybody who he doesn't know. I'm sure he's a nice guy though!" (Y/n) exclaimed. Then, they busied themselves with drawing pictures for PJ to hang on the fridge.

Mintykitty155 asked, "Can you add Undertale Peasant?"

"Oh, sorry I'm late!" UP called, jogging into the daycare. PJ smiled, and said, "As long as you could make it!" UP and PJ share a smile, and UP stands off to the side.
     "To answer your question, yeah, I'm here! I'll be here sorting through the asks, and gifting the trash cans and/or Core!Frisk with all the bad asks. You can also ask me questions too!"

No, I'm not lucky enough to have talked to Undertale Peasant about adding her/using her in the book, so I apologize if anybody views this as offensive.

Young Love (Child!Reader x Child!Sans) -ALL AU-Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora