The Rise Of The New Species

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  My name is Jill.This is the story about when the world changed into a bunch of monsters or should you say supernatural things that were once people who cared and had there lives ahead of them. This all started when a scientist named Wilie Waters wanted to test a medication that will make people stronger and help or even cure them.Instead it made humans into blood sucking vampires. That know one knew  existed. Wilie tryed to not let it go out but he notice that it will save the last generation. He also created a medication or a disease that will turn some vampires into an unstoppable species. Wilie created a lot of terrible species, the world became faded. Birds, squirrels, cows, horses, pigs started dyeing. Dogs turned into werewolf's which turned humans into werewolf's and some humans survived, i was not one of them. One Sunday night someone was knocking on the door. My mom opened it with out knowing who it was or what it was. All i could hear  was screaming,my mom finally came in holding her neck. She told me to run, but i just couldn't leave her, before i knew it a vampire tored out her heart. I ran upstairs and went to my littile sisters room. Their was blood everywhere, when i loked up they were eating her. There was more than one of them, i was scared and angry. instead of running i graved a pocket knife out of my poket and cut one of them. They graved me and tryed to put me down. But i kept on fighting back and trying to bring myself up. i finally gave up, they bit my neck as i felt there sharp teenth going in my neck. I heard someone calling my name as i was bleeding. it was Wilie Waters he was running up the stairs. As much as i dont want to talk about HE WAS MY DAD. He didnt do anything , he always cared about his self. Even if it meant leaving his family to die.

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