3. Friday Part 1

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1179 Word Count, For You People.

Ryder's P.O.V

"Harder, please Ryder"

I did as I was commanded as I watched Anastasia writhe in pleasure underneath me, continuously moaning my name. Groaning as I went deeper inside of her , feeling her climax coming closer, I moved faster, turning her into a moaning mess.




Come the fuck on! - I mentally groaned

I don't even know the woman and here I am over here having wet dreams about her. At the mention of this I remembered that I didn't even review her files, I just hired her on the spot. Thankfully I had placed it on my nightstand from yesterday, and easily reached over to get it. Inside was the most beautiful photo of her, immediately getting a hard-on, I closed the file. Regaining some self control I reopened it and started reading-

Name: Anastasia Daniella Moretti

Age: 23

DOB: January 1, 1993

Interest: Art Galleries, reading, helping at local orphanages, philanthropy, conservation

Current Occupation: Coordination Manager at Reid & Son's Inc.

College/University: Pennsylvania State University (Ivy League)

Skills: PhD in International Business

            PhD in Marketing, Accounting, and Financing

Recommendations: Reid & Son's Inc. : Very hard worker, number one employee. Knows her stuff.

Languages: (8)- Japanese, Chinese, Italian, Greek, Russian, German, Spanish, English

After I finished reading I closed the file, and let everything hat I just read about her permeate in my head. Penn State, eight languages, Ivy League. She was perfect, which means that I can fire Sandra today, on the- speak of the devil


I picked up my phone off of the nightstand to see it actually was Sandra.

"Hello", I spoke, my voice laced with disinterest hoping she would take a hint.

"Good Morning, Mr. Daniels. I would just like to know if you were coming to work today, as though it is already 10:00 a.m"

Ten o'clock. 

My mind was racing, how had I let time deceive for this long, I was supposed to be at work two hours ago.

"Hello, hello, Mr. Daniels are you there?", I heard Sandra's nagging voice coming through the receiver.

"Yes, yes, I'm coming to work. Please rearrange all of my meetings for today by the time I get to the office. Also get me a reservation at Gramercy Tavern at seven. Table for two.", speaking in my business tone.

"Yes, sir. May I ask who your +1 is?"

"No", I said courtly, hanging up the phone.

I reluctantly rolled out of bed, grabbed my towel off of the bed frame and walked to the my bathroom. Draping it over my towel rack, but not before starting the shower. I finished in no less than fifteen minutes. Walking to my closet with my towel hanging around my waist. I choose a black tie and dress shirt with my tailored gray striped Armani suite. After I finished dressing I picked up my house and car keys off of my living room table, not bothering to glance over at my appearance in the full-length mirror in the foyer, I left my apartment, more like penthouse.

Since there was no traffic on the road I was able to get to work in 15 minutes, with time to spare.

I walked into my industry, heading to the elevators I nodded to my receptionist Juliet as she greeted me with a warm motherly smile. I stepped into the elevator with two other men who worked in accounting on the tenth floor. I believe their names are Luke and Ezra. We all stood in complete silence until the elevator reached the fortieth floor. Stepping off I walked to the staff room to get a cup of coffee, as I opened the door I saw Anastasia sitting in one of the lounge chairs reviewing a file, given to her by who I guessed to be that whore Sandra. Since she seemed to not have heard me opening the door, I cleared my throat hoping she would acknowledge my presence. She did.

"Oh", she said with a voice of surprise. "I did not see you there Mr. Daniels, good morning"

"Good morning Ms. Moretti. What are you doing here?". I asked.

"Your PA gave me this file on the Hutcherson Company to review she said that your planned on making a business agreement with them", She answered back.

I had heard enough, I told her to follow me to my office, I also needed to have a word with Sandra.

Walking down the hall to her desk, I saw she was flirting hopelessly with Jeffrey from marketing. I could tell he wasn't interested from the look in his eyes. It would only be ever so kind of me to help the poor man

"Sandra". I called sternly, "I pay you to work, not flirt with fellow employees"

Both she and Jeffrey turned around. Sandra with a look of shock on her face instantly replaced by lust, and Jeffrey who looked at me like was a saint sent from heaven. He quickly excused himself and scurried to the elevator, Just happy to be away from Sandra.

"Yes Mr. Daniels". She said seductively, while twirling a few strands of her hair around her finger. I must say I am amazed at the fact that she can carry a conversation and still manage to look like a slut at the same time.

I walked up to her slowly, looked her straight in her faced and said these glorious words:

"You're fired"

At first she was confused, then that confusion turned into a menacing glare that she directed towards Anastasia.

"Are you seriously firing me? Do you think that-thing  behind you can do a better job as your P.A. than I can?". She spoke, still glaring at Anastasia.

"Actually, I do that is why I hired her and decided to fire you", I countered blatantly, "now if you wouldn't mind collecting your item and clearing off Ms. Moretti's new desk. Also your last check will be mailed to your personally. Thank you." I watched as she angrily grabbed her back and jacket from the hook next to her desk, not bothering to clear off the desk and huffed off into the elevator and out of my business. I turned around and saw Anastasia looking at me wide-eyed. Speechless.

"Umm, sorry you had to see that, I've been meaning to fire her for months but could never find the right person to replace her with, but could never find the right person. Until you." I walked towards her until her chest was pressed against mine, I gently grabbed her chin, lifting it up making her look at me with her large hazel eyes. I heard her breathing heighten. I just stared until she cleared her throat, and excused herself sashaying down the hallway. More importantly away from me. 

This is going to be a long day.


Sorry for not updating in so long. Please don't drown me in ramen noodles. I LOVE YOU


Yes, I will be updating soon...Umm just to break the ice:

What do you do on your free time?

I like to draw and dance

Gramercy Tavern is actually a real restaurant in NYC

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