2. The Meeting

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So sorry about the extremely late update: Supper long chapter just for you people

P.S. Pic of Ryder Daniels portrayed by Rob Evans:Male Model


Ryder P.O.V-

"Where the hell are the files I asked for twenty minutes ago Sandra", I roared.

 I had asked for the Project Files for a board meeting I had to be at tomorrow. I had wanted to review in case there was something wrong. 

"I-I'm looking, I-I can't find them", she stuttered

Thank God I was planning on firing her later on

Go ahead and call me an ass, but the only thing she was good at was being a slut. She came here every morning wearing short tight clothing, thinking she was hot, but in reality she was NOT. She also always had make up caked on her face. I wish I could tell her that she wasn't going to find Batman by looking like The Joker , but then she'd go around the office tell people how mean and disrespectful I was to her. When really I couldn't give a flying fuck.  Plus the only disrespectful thing here was when she looked in the bathroom mirror. Poor unfortunate thing could have cracked. Should have cracked.

"Get out. Just get out", I said through gritted teeth.

Anyways, because I was planning on firing her today I made sure I put an announcement on the website interested in being my P.A.And you would not believe the amount of women that showed up at my office. And all trashy. But what could a guy do. So I started with the first applicant.

Hazel Rose Sevile

And read through her resume

Age: 23

Current Occupation: Waitress

College/University: Stanford University

How do you go to STANFORD UNIVERSITY and end up a waitress. I wondered but I would get to that soon

Interest:  Shopping, Clubbing, Shopping, Family, Shopping, Shopping, Shopping.......

That's all I needed to read to say no.

"So", I asked her "why exactly do you want to work at Daniel Enterprises?"

"Well," she started while perking her breast

Seriously, no dignity no nothing 

"Let me stop you there", I said as I held up my hand "I can clearly see that you are not going to take this seriously. I can also see that if I do hire you that you will try to seduce me and be a slut, which you already are. I would like you to leave and never show your face here ever again"

"B-B-B-But I never finished speaking", she squeaked

"Don't care get out"

"Well I'd never..." she huffed and with that she left. Finally took long enough.

All the other 18 women were the same, until there was one. 

"Next," I called 

And she came in. She was gorgeous. Stunning chocolate eye, killer curves, a light tan complexion. She was everything.

"You have the job", I blurted

"B-But, you didn't even interview me" She said

That's right I didn't, but who the hell care anyways. She had the qualifications by my standards

"Do you want the job or not", I asked.

"Umm... yes thank you"she said.

"Great you start on Friday Ms.."

"Moretti, Anastasia Moretti", she said what a beautiful name for beautiful woman.

"Ms. Moretti, have a nice day don't forget. Friday", I said

"Okay, goodbye"

And with that she left.

Having her here was going to be very fun.

Anastasia P.O.V-

Well, that went awkwardly good

I though to myself as I drove down Main Street. He didn't even interview me. Well I got a job and that's all that matters.

Since there wasn't any traffic I got home rather quickly. As I opened the door Willow tackled me to the ground screaming,

"You bitch, who the hell told you, you could take my stuff." While grabbing my hair.


"Your lucky I'm feeling kind today, or I'd murder you right now" she said "So, how did it go?Is your boss hot?"

"I got the job. And he's okay looking" I told her.

"Really, show me a pic", she said

I took out my phone and searched him up on Google and showed her

"WOOOOOWEEEE. Girl your boss is not okay, he is fine, with a capitol FINE", she said exaggerating the word a little to much.

"Whatever, I'm going to bed" I yawned

"Okay"she replied back

I went up to my room and wiped of all of my make-up, put on my pj's and climbed into my bed.

"Oh, I missed you so much", I mumbled into the pillow and fell into a deep sleep.

Dreaming of my favorite thing food. Most importantly Shrimp Lo Mein with some soy sauce, 


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