Chapter 3

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Niall's P.O.V

I gotta leave.

I really gotta leave.

Nobody wants me anymore.

The boys hate me...

Half of the fans hate me...

I should just go in the middle of nowhere, where nobody will find me...

But unfortunately that doesn't exist.

I think I know where to go- ROMANIA! 
Nobody will even THINK I am there.

I sighed and started packing my things silently, hoping nobody will hear me, not that they would try to convince me not to leave, but I just don't want to make a big deal out of this whole thing...

A small tear fell from my eye but I kept packing.

Liam's P.O.V

''Louis, don't you think you've been too cruel to Niall earlier?'' I asked, even though I knew what Louis would probably answer...

''What? Have you seen what a jerk he is-'' Louis said but I cut him off quickly.

''I know...But still he's Niall. You know he hasn't always been like this...It's probably the stress of being a star...You know gathering so much hate from half of the ''fans'' I guess it kinds makes him sad and maybe with this attitude he is just trying to prove that he's cool and he's not a person you should mess with-'' I didn't have time to finish the sentence properly because Lou cut me off.

''I know but why start act like this to us? We've never done anything to him! We're his friends and we're supposed to be there for each other-'' I cut him off...Wow...

We do like cutting each other off, right?

''I know but this means we're supposed to be there for him now. I'm sure he's just going through a hard period of his life and he needs his friends.'' I said.

''Y-You're right. But-'' All of a sudden we heard the door being slammed.

''What was that?!!'' Lou asks scared.

''I-I don't know!!'' I said.

Lou opened the fridge and took out a carrot and walked around the house with it.

''Lou I though you don't like carrots anymore!'' I said.

''Yep, that's why I'm using it as a sword!'' Lou protested.

I just rolled my eyes and walked with Lou into the main hall.

''There's nothing wrong here!'' I said.

''Ok...You know it doesn't matter anyways.'' Lou said and threw the carrot in the sink.

''LOU!!'' I yelled.

''What?!!!!'' He asked.

''That's NOT how you treat a carrot!'' I said and angrily walked over to the sink.

''SPOOOOOOON!!'' I yelled and immediately fell to the floor and curled myself up in a ball.

''HAHAHAHAHA!!'' Lou started to laugh and he fell on his back.

''HAHAHAHAHA very funny.'' I said and got up from the floor.

Niall's P.O.V

Well here I am at the airport; I should be happy that I'm going to a new place but instead I am so sad because my friends probably hate me right now. I just wish I knew the reason...Maybe it was something I said a long time ago and now they hate me because of it and they don't want to admit it because...because...WELL THEY HAVE A REASON!!!

I left when I heard them talking about how I became a jerk and then without any warning I ran out the door and smashed it behind me...I think I gave them a scare but that doesn't matter anymore...all that matters is that right now I havea new start.

Just to make sure nobody recognized me, I put on a black cap  with big black glasses and I made sure my dyed hair doesn't stick out of the cap.

I decided to text my friends and tell them where I am.

TO: Harry, Zayn, Louis and Liam.

I sighed as I started writing the message.

Hello guys...Well this is Niall...As you probably already know...I just wanted to tell you that I left.

That's right...I won't disturb you anymore...I'm just sorry If I did anything wrong but I really have no clue what I did...

I knew you somehow got sick and tired of me so I decided to leave...I'm sorry if I scared you when  I did...Harry and Zayn, you weren't home but Liam and Louis I'm sorry I smashed the door so hard...I hope I didn't give you a heart attack...I'm sorry.

I wish we could still be friends and don't forget, You'll always be in my heart.

With Love,


A tear slipped out of my eye as I pressed send.

I saw the message was sent to everyone and I just closed my eyes but still kept crying.

Louis' P.O.V

Right Now I'm still guilty because I yelled at Niall.

Liam was right!

I shouldn't have been so mean!
Now Niall will probably hate me forever!

But he wasn't very kind either...


''Hello, useless thing.'' Niall said as he walked into the kitchen.

''Well look who's here! The horrid kid!'' I said and I immediately felt bad for saying it.

''Whatever.'' He said rolling his eyes.

Liam entered the kitchen, Niall picked out a milk bottle out of the fridge and walked pass Liam, pushing him out of the way.

''Watch where you're going!'' Liam said.

''Have you seen what a jerk!!??'' Liam asked and I raised an eyebrow.

''You're right...We have to be kind.'' He corrected himself.

''Hey 'vas happenin?'' Zayn asked as him and Harry entered the kitchen.

''Nothing...'' I said.

Then all of us recived a message.

I opened it and read it loud:

Hello guys...Well this is Niall...As you probably already know...I just wanted to tell you that I left.

That's right...I won't disturb you anymore...I'm just sorry If I did anything wrong but I really have no clue what I did...

I knew you somehow got sick and tired of me so I decided to leave...I'm sorry if I scared you when  I did...Harry and Zayn, you weren't home but Liam and Louis I'm sorry I smashed the door so hard...I hope I didn't give you a heart attack...I'm sorry.

I wish we could still be friends and don't forget, You'll always be in my heart.

With Love,


''What the carrots?!!!'' I asked.

''What is this supposed to mean?!!!'' I added.

''D-Do you think Niall wrote this?!!!!'' Harry answered.

''Well yeah! But it makes no sense! He's right here!'' I said.

Then realisation hit me...

That wasn't Niall....

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