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The coolness of the rink immediately hits Yuri's warm cheeks. He decided that he needed to clear his mind with a jog... which eventually turned into a run as he realized the time. Victor was already on the ice, warming up with a quad. Yuri stripped of his heavier jacket, revealing the dark blue shirt underneath. He kicked off his shoes and skillfully laced his skates in a matter of seconds. After stretching for ten minutes or so, he joined his coach on the ice.

"Took you long enough, little piggy." What a tease Victor is, yuri thought as he mumbled an apology. "That's it!" The older man had an excited expression on his face... too excited. Yuri gulped, knowing this practice wasn't going to be easy.  "Quadruple flips are our main focus today! You must land two to my satisfaction before you can have a break!"

"B-but!" Yuri was lost for words at the difficulty Of the task Victor just gave him. The only flip that has satisfied Victor was the one he did at finals.

"No buts!" The silver haired man gave him an innocent closed eyed smile "warm up so we can begin!"


Just one more... Yuri thought as his chest ached for air. He had been performing quadruple flips for the past hour, and only one has satisfied Victor. Luckily, the man was pleased enough to give Yuri a small break to catch his breath. But refused to do anything else until the second flip was done. Just one more.... Yuri calmed his breathing and imagined what he wanted to do. He imagined victors flawlessness in doing the jump. He remembered the emotions he put into the one he did in Barcelona. He opened his eyes confidently. He was going to do this! However that uneasy feeling began to seep back into his chest. Just ignore it Yuri, you can do this.

The young skater prepares for the jump with victors eyes watching him closely. Everything is perfect. The speed that goes into the jump, the angle at which his body spins, the emotions upon the skaters face. Victor swears his heart skips a beat at the beauty in which is in front of him. He even begins to skate over, ready to congratulate his student. But as he lands, an echoing crack fills the rink, followed by the color red.

Yuri heard it before he felt it.

You Made History (Short Yuri!! On Ice Story)Where stories live. Discover now