Part Two:

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Kate notices Paul walk in with a smile on his face, one that only gets bigger once he sees Kate and her hair.

"Kate you've done a wonderful job with Holtzmann's hair, if I could make one suggestion it would be to make the bun and the top part just that little bit messier then it should be perfect."

"Thanks Paul, and I think you're right with Holtzmann being the kind of character she is, it would make sense for it to be messy." Kate says, knowing her character more than anyone else.

Another different woman then Amy walks over, "Hi Kate my name is Erika, if you would follow me I'd like to fit you into your jumpsuit, I'll be doing Kristen's as I'm doing yours so I'd like to get started straight away." She says with a smile and a quick nod.

"Yeah sure, let's get going."

Kate walks over to a secluded room and see's Kristen in there waiting also, smile one her face.

"So," Kristen says, "This is where being ghostbusters becomes official, pretty cool isn't it?"

"Very cool, I'm kind of nervous though, this is my first big movie I've been in."

"You'll be fine! I've seen you on Saturday Night Live Kate, you're amazing, thought that since your first performance on the show." Kristen reassures, with a hand placed on Kate's shoulder.

Kate feels a small blush reach up onto her face.

"Thankyou Kristen, that means a lot to me especially coming from you, I kind of always looked up to you as an actor."

This time it was Kristen's turn to blush, she was just glad the lighting wasn't very bright, so it couldn't expose the blush creeping onto her face.

As they were about to continue their conversation, Erika walked in with what seemed like their ghostbuster jumpsuits, and passes one to each of the girls.

"Hi girls so if you both quickly get dressed into these then come back out into the main room that'd be great."

As she walks out, the two girls realise that they have to get dressed in the same room, "You don't mind do you? I'm not particularly insecure so I don't mind but it's up to you." Kristen says nicely.

"Nah, I'm used to this from SNL, well I guess we're both used to it from that," Kate says, still with a slightly higher voice, "I just thought you wouldn't want to since, well I'm 100% lesbian."

Chuckling at that, Kate looks up at Kristen, waiting for her reaction, used to people having a problem with her sexuality.

"What? No Kate it's fine, so what if you're gay, I'm not going to look at you differently!"

Letting out the breath she'd been holding, Kate gives Kristen a brief smile, "Thank You."

Kristen nods in return, before both girls begin to undress, turning slightly away from each other to give the other privacy.

The first one to finish getting dressed first was Kristen and as she turned around she caught a sight of Kate, who still had her top half bare, apart from a black sports bra cover her chest.

Kristen felt her mouth go dry upon seeing the younger girl, and struggled to tear her eyes away, but eventually doing so when Kate turned towards her.

"You okay?" Kate asks with some concern.

Laughing awkwardly, Kristen let out,"Uh, yeah me? I'm fine."

Love on set.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें