Chapter two- phans family

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Dan's P. O. V

"Phil! " I yell standing in the kitchen.

Phil walks in and smiles. "Yes Danny"

"Don't smile,  you finished my cereal"  I said pouting.

Phil walked over and pulled me in to a hug.
"Come on I'll buy you more"

I smiled and kissed him softly.

He grinned and walked of to go to the shop.

"Daddy" Matthew called.

I walked in to the lounge to see him sat In front of the TV grinning.

"Daddy you are on TV" he said laughing.

His smile was the brightest thing I've ever seen. It reminds  me of Alex and how happy she was when we adopted her. Before we failed as parents.

Matthew was our do over in a way.  He was there to fill the hole in my heart and to help Phil smile again.

After we moved back to London Phil got Ill again. He didn't want to tell me it was because of the cancer he had a few years ago but I Knew it was.

He began self harming again to cope, that's when I got Mathew and he began smiling again. I had my lion back.

Phil returned home a while later and we sat together watching films and being a typical family.

"Daddy why do I have to stay with grandma next week? " Mathew asked looking sad.

" Matty I told you,  daddy and I are going to comic con and you can't go"

"But whyyyy" he frowned.

"Because need you to protect Granny and make sure the robots don't get to her" Phil said as seriously as you could say those words.

"Oh no I have to protect her! " he said jumping up.

"I'll go build a space ship to fly her to safety." He ran off to his room. Alex's old room. 

It's been almost three years.
A tear slipped down my face.

Phil saw and pulled me against him.

"Shes In a better place, bear.  Try to smile and focus on raising our son"

He always knew what to say to me. 

I loved him so much and was happy to call him my husband.

Authors note---

I really hope you enjoy this story,  the chapters will get longer as the story progresses.

Goodbye for now everyone!!  -Mya 

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